HUBLOT ensures that the conduct of its activities respects the rights of individuals and promotes the constant improvement of public and social health conditions, which are essential to the development and protection of people's rights.
HUBLOT is committed to maintaining its vigilance in detecting potential negative consequences, direct or indirect, of its activities on society in order to prevent or, if necessary, address such consequences as needed.
HUBLOT respects and promotes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and adheres to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, as well as the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles. Within its sphere of influence, HUBLOT supports the values, freedoms and fundamental rights promoted in these documents.

HUBLOT condemns all human rights violations and takes full consideration of:
- Prohibition of child labor: The employment of children under the age of 16 years is strictly prohibited, in particular the worst forms of child labor as defined by ILO Convention 182. In countries where local legislation sets a higher minimum age for child labor, or where the age of completion for compulsory education is set above 16, this higher age applies. Any work likely to endanger the physical, mental or moral health, safety or morals of children must not be undertaken by anyone under the age of 18.
- Prohibition of forced/compulsory labor: Any use of forced or compulsory labor as defined by ILO Convention No. 29, slavery, servitude or trafficking of human beings, as well as forced labor, withholding of wages, compulsory overtime, withholding of identity papers or work permits or requiring workers to provide a down payment or resorting to any other form of coercion, is strictly prohibited. All workers have the right to accept or leave their jobs at will.
- Prohibition of harassment and abuse: We treat our employees, contractors and the local communities in which we operate with respect and dignity. We do not tolerate or practice any form of corporal punishment, physical, sexual, verbal or psychological harassment, torture, cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment, or any other form of abuse.
- Prohibition of discrimination: We treat all workers fairly and equally. We do not discriminate in any way - particularly with regard to pay, hiring, access to training, promotion, maternity leave or dismissal - on the grounds of gender, race or ethnic origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, trade union membership, nationality, gender identity, migrant status or social background.
- Freedom of association: We respect and recognize the right of employees to negotiate collectively, and to create or join the trade union organizations of their choice without sanction, discrimination or harassment.
HUBLOT demonstrates exemplary social responsibility in the conduct of its activities: Prohibition of illegal, undocumented and undeclared labor: We comply with all applicable regulations to prevent illegal, undocumented and undeclared labor.
- Wages and social benefits: As a minimum, we pay wages regularly and no less than once a month, pay workers overtime at the statutory rate, and meet all legal requirements for employee social benefits. If there is no legal minimum wage or overtime pay rate in the country in question, we ensure that wages are at least equal to the average minimum in the corresponding industrial sector, and that overtime pay is at least equal to the usual hourly wage. Wage deductions must not be used as a disciplinary measure. We guarantee that all workers enjoy the benefits stipulated in any applicable collective agreement, company agreement and any other applicable individual or collectively negotiated agreement.
- Working hours: We comply with all applicable local laws and regulations regarding working hours, which must under no circumstances exceed the maximum set by internationally recognized standards such as the International Labour Organization. We do not impose excessive overtime. The total number of hours worked per week, including overtime, may not exceed legal limits. Employees are entitled to the minimum number of days off established by applicable laws, and must have at least one day off in every seven-day period.
- Guaranteeing health and safety: We provide our employees with a safe and healthy working environment to prevent accidents or personal injury that may be caused by, related to or resulting from their work, including during business trips. We implement procedures and training to detect, avoid and limit hazards as much as possible that pose a risk to the health, hygiene and safety of our staff. These measures must comply with all relevant local and international laws and regulations.
HUBLOT conducts stakeholder audits to better identify, assess and anticipate risks and opportunities for improvement, and to ensure in-depth knowledge of its partners. These procedures enable HUBLOT to verify that the performance of its partners meets its requirements and complies with best practices, particularly in terms of ethics, social and environmental issues and respect for human rights. Through these verifications, HUBLOT can also help its partners to implement and apply best practices in order to address minor non-conformities. These measures and compliance with them are outlined in the agreements between HUBLOT and its partners.