뉴스 & 이벤트 뉴스 워치 메이킹의 센세이션을 재편하다 더 알아보기 위블로, 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 컬렉션 공개 세 가지 생동감 넘치는 컬러를 선보이다 익숙한 형태에 새로운 색조를 더하다. 위블로가 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 크로노그래프를 세 가지 새로운 세라믹 컬러로 선보입니다. 이 색상들은 기존에 빅뱅 라인에서만 만나볼 수 있었던 것으로, 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 컬랙션 12주년을 기념하며 새롭게 추가 되었습니다. 스위스 니옹, 2025년 1월 21일 - 2014년 출시된 스피릿 오브 빅뱅은 위블로 팬들과 워치 애호가들을 놀라게 했습니다. 이는 브랜드 창립 수십 년 만에 처음으로 원형이 아닌 케이스를 출시한 위블로 워치였기 때문입니다. 그럼에도 여전히 배럴형 케이스는 포트홀처럼, 워치 메이킹의 미래를 향한 창을 열어주며 전통을 넘어선 혁신을 제시한 위블로의 워치로 평가됩니다. 더 알아보기 빅뱅 투르비용 오토매틱 그린 삭셈 희망과 활력, 번영의 컬러, 그린 위블로에게 그린은 혁신, 그리고 미래지향적 컬러를 의미합니다. 스위스 니옹, 2025 년 1 월 21 일 - 획기적인 소재 혁신의 선구자인 위블로와 위블로 매뉴팩처 산하 금속 및 소재 연구소는 사파이어 크리스탈과 같은 투명 소재의 정교함을 마스터했습니다. 항상 새롭고 창의적인 경로를 모색하는 위블로는 사파이어와 관련된 삭셈을 사용한 최초이자 유일한 워치 브랜드가 되었습니다. 삭셈은 더 많이 빛나는 색채 가능성을 제공하는 소재입니다. 매뉴팩처는 강렬한 에메랄드 그린 투명 케이스와 셀프 와인딩 투르비용 무브먼트를 결합한 빅뱅 투르비용 오토매틱 그린 삭셈을 18피스 리미티드 에디션으로 선보입니다. 더 알아보기 모든 뉴스 A THIRD VENDÉE GLOBE FOR ALAN ROURA. HUBLOT CELEBRATES THE SAILOR'S INCREDIBLE TENACITY A trip around the world, a new page in history, and the constant desire to go ever further. Alan Roura and Hublot share this obsession: pushing the limits, striving for excellence, writing the future, again and again. Giving everything you have, to the very end. Pushing hard right to the last mile, Alan Roura fought relentlessly, battling the elements to get his IMOCA Hublot to the finish line. A feat that perfectly illustrates what it means to perform at the extreme: managing every detail, pushing your limits, reinventing yourself from one moment to the next. This 2024-2025 edition has proved this once again: extreme conditions, technical challenges, snap changes to the weather… everything can shift at a moment's notice. Despite years of experience, you have to start from scratch, rethink and reinvent everything. In watchmaking, as at sea, overcoming challenges can never be taken for granted! The Swiss flag is flying in the channel of Les Sables d'Olonne once again! This Monday, 3rd February 2025 at 12h57'48'', Alan Roura crossed the finish line of the 2024-2025 Vendée Globe in 18th position, completing his third solo, non-stop, unassisted circumnavigation of the world. At the helm of the IMOCA Hublot, he has improved on his previous race time by almost 10 days, covering 28,553 miles in 84 days 55 minutes and 48 seconds, at an average speed of 14 knots. 더 알아보기 스피릿 오브 빅뱅, 뱀의 해 위블로는 음력 달력의 12지 동물을 기념해 왔던 전통을 창의적이고 놀라운 방식으로 이어가고자 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 뱀의 해를 선보입니다. 스위스 니옹, 2025년 1월 8일 – 지혜, 미래, 변화를 상징하는 뱀은 중국의 12지에서 특별한 의미를 가지고 있습니다. 위블로는 2016년부터 매년 음력 설을 기념하며, 예술적으로 스피릿 오브 빅뱅의 스페셜 에디션을 선보여왔습니다. 상징적인 동물들을 현대적이면서도 예상치 못한 방식으로 재해석해온 위블로는 88피스 한정으로 제작된 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 뱀의 해 에디션에서 뱀만의 특징을 다이얼, 케이스 그리고 스트랩까지 섬세하게 구현했습니다. 더 알아보기 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 상 블루 올 블랙 파베 새로운 올 블랙 에디션 : 단색의 기하학적 디자인에 세팅 된 블랙 다이아몬드 스위스, 니옹, 2024년 12월 17일 – 스위스 타투이스트 막심 플레시아-뷔치(Maxime Plescia-Buchi)가 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 상 블루 올 블랙 파베에 위블로의 독창적인 코드를 블랙 잉크로 새겨 넣었습니다. 이번 작품은 2006년 첫 선보인 위블로의 혁신적인 올 블랙 콘셉트와 시그니처인 배럴 형태의 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 케이스를 결합한 디자인입니다. 이번 올 블랙 에디션은 2016년 시작된 두 아티스트의 창의적인 여정이 진화된 것을 보여줍니다. 더 알아보기 DR SAMUEL ROSS MBE 와 SR_A HUBLOT 3.0의 파트너십 위블로의 '아트 오브 퓨전'을 충실히 구현하는 뛰어난 아티스트 겸 디자이너 사무엘 로스가 다양한 소재와 컬러를 이용한 섬세하고 뛰어난 작품을 통해 한층 수준 높은 독창성을 선보입니다. 마이애미 아트 위크 기간에 선보인 새로운 버전의 위블로 빅뱅 투르비용 카본 SR_A 바이 사무엘 로스는 끊임없이 진화하는 접근법을 고스란히 담아냅니다. 위블로는 44년간 쉼없이 혁신을 거듭하며 기술적 한계와 미학적 한계를 뛰어넘은 타임피스를 선보여 왔습니다. 워치메이킹 전문 기술과 미래지향적인 비전 사이에서 절묘한 균형을 이루는 위블로 타임피스는 화려하면서도 모던한 자태를 자랑합니다. 위블로는 소재에 대한 최첨단 연구와 세계적인 아티스트 및 디자이너와의 협업을 통해 성공적인 결과를 이끌어냈습니다. 사무엘 로스는 시선을 사로잡는 매혹적인 방식으로 이 두 가지 측면을 결합했습니다. 더 알아보기 클래식 퓨전 크로노그래프 아르투로 푸엔테 킹 골드 위블로는 오푸스X의 25주년을 기념하여 특별 한정판 클래식 퓨전 크로노그래프를 출시했습니다. 2024년 12월 3일, 도미니카 공화국 산티아고 데 로스 카바예로스 – 탁월함과 삶의 가장 소중한 순간을 더욱 풍요롭게 만들기 위한 열정. 1912년부터 세계에서 가장 인기 있는 시가들을 만들어 온 푸엔테 시가 공장에서, 위블로와 칼리토 푸엔테는 시가 애호가들이 세계에서 가장 뛰어나고 맛있는 시가 중 하나로 여기는 오푸스X의 25주년을 기념하는 최신 콜라보레이션 타임피스를 공개했습니다. 12년간의 우정 끝에 전통처럼 자리잡은 이 자리에서, 칼리토 푸엔테는 기자들과 브랜드의 프렌즈들에게 처음으로 이 워치를 선보였습니다. 더 알아보기 Hublot & Takashi Murakami’s 13th and Final Classic Fusion Unique Piece Sells for Record Price at Phillips’ TOKI: Watch Auction in Hong Kong Nyon, Switzerland, November 27, 2024 – An incredible result to conclude one of the most exciting watch collaboration series in modern watchmaking. The 13th and final unique piece in Hublot X Takashi Murakami’s NFT series was sold at Phillips TOKI Watch Auction in Hong Kong for HKD 2,095,500 including the buyer’s premium, offered by Phillips, smashing the original estimate of HKD 450,000 by multiple times. 더 알아보기 빅뱅 유니코 노박 조코비치 견고함, 가벼움, 지속 가능성 : 올림픽 금메달리스트이자 그랜드 슬램 24회 우승자인 노박 조코비치의 승리하는 마인드에서 영감을 받은 빅뱅 유니코 11월 20일 파리 - 조코비치의 놀라운 기록 경신에서 영감을 받아, 위블로는 브랜드 엠버서더인 노박 조코비치의 코트 위 민첩함과 지속 가능한 혁신에 대한 위블로만의 접근 방식을 담은 워치를 디자인했습니다. 이 워치는 조코비치를 역대 최고의 테니스 선수로 만든 강인함과 결단력을 기념합니다 위블로가 혁신성에 기울이는 집약적인 노력과 소재를 다룸에 있어 독창적인 전문성에 힘입어 빅뱅 유니코 조코비치는 선수용 헤드(HEAD) 라켓과 라코스테(Lacoste) 티셔츠로 제작되었습니다. 그의 라켓과 셔츠가 특별한 부적이자 독창적인 워치로 새롭게 태어났습니다. 더 알아보기 VENDEE GLOBE: ALAN ROURA, HUBLOT AND THE WHOLE OF SWITZERLAND READY TO TAKE ON THE MOST EXTREME SPORTING CHALLENGE! Pride, joy and determination. These three emotions are in the hearts of Alan Roura and everyone at Hublot as they await the start of the tenth edition of the Vendée Globe in a few days' time. Together, they are about to take on the world's most extreme single-handed sporting challenge, and experience its addictive rhythm. A date with the oceans awaits. At 13:02 on Sunday 10th November, Alan Roura will officially be setting off on his third consecutive Vendée Globe aboard the IMOCA Hublot, adding his name and that of the prestigious watch manufacture to the annals of Swiss sporting history! 더 알아보기 JAPAN EXCLUSIVE «BIG BANG UNICO BERLUTI NERO GRIGIO CERAMIC» LAUNCHED – POP-UP BOUTIQUES TO OPEN The partnership between Hublot and Berluti began in 2016 and is now celebrating its eighth year. The new Big Bang Unico Berluti Nero Grigio Ceramic is the latest model of the collaboration between the most innovative watchmaking brand and the renowned long-established maison that continues to transmit men's elegance. 더 알아보기 정교한 복합성, 눈부신 디자인, 그리고 매력적인 귀여움 스위스 니옹 - 2024년 10월 23일 - 위블로와 일본의 유명 현대 미술가 무라카미 다카시의 최신 작품이 드디어 공개되었습니다. MP-15 무라카미 다카시 투르비용 사파이어 레인보우는 아티스트의 상징적인 스마일링 플라워를 사파이어 조각으로 재구성하고 다채로운 보석으로 세팅한 작품으로, 위블로의 첫 센트럴 투르비용 무브먼트를 탑재하였고, 한정판 20피스 출시되었습니다. 더 알아보기 THE LAST ONE Nyon, Switzerland, October 16th 2024 - The 13th and highly anticipated final unique piece from Hublot and Takashi Murakami’s groundbreaking series of watches and matching NFT artworks is finally going to be available. Available as Lot #100 in Phillips “TOKI: Watch Auction” on November 22, the auction house’s first thematic auction focused on Japanese watchmaking, the Classic Fusion Takashi Murakami Black Ceramic Rainbow bridges the worlds of watchmaking and contemporary Japanese art – and it’s for a great cause, the Classic Fusion Takashi Murakami Black Ceramic Rainbow bridges the worlds of watchmaking and contemporary Japanese art – and it’s for a great cause. 더 알아보기 SPIRIT OF BIG BANG TITANIUM GREEN CARBON MEXICO: A SERIOUSLY SHARP MODEL At the SIAR trade fair in Mexico City, Hublot has unveiled a new Spirit of Big Bang in titanium and carbon with a strap made from cactus fibre. It grows, constantly regenerates and multiplies, but never assumes the same form twice. What is true of nature, is also true of the Hublot Manufacture. And the new Spirit of Big Bang Titanium Green Carbon is living proof of that. With this limited edition of just 35 pieces, Hublot combines its spirit of innovation with an unprecedented sense of eco-responsibility. 더 알아보기 위블로가 빅뱅 유니코 레프트 핸디드 화이트 세라믹의 첫 번째 리미티드 에디션을 선보입니다 2024년 10월 8일 – 스위스 니옹 – '아트 오브 퓨전'의 대가로 잘 알려진 스위스 럭셔리 워치메이커 위블로가 최초로 빅뱅 유니코 레프트 핸디드 화이트 세라믹 모델을 선보입니다. 빅뱅 컬렉션에 한층 화려함을 더해줄 이번 리미티드 에디션 타임피스는 전통적인 디자인에서 벗어난 과감한 시도가 돋보이며, 매력적인 매트 화이트 세라믹 케이스와 대비를 이루는 레드 세라믹 베젤의 왼쪽 측면에 자리한 크라운과 푸셔가 특징입니다. 더 알아보기 LONE STAR SPIRIT HUBLOT UNVEILS THE SPIRIT OF BIG BANG TEXAS: A TRIBUTE TO TEXAN STYLE AND HERITAGE. Dallas, TX / Houston, TX / Austin, TX, October 11th, 2024 - Swiss luxury watchmaker Hublot is proud to announce the launch of the Spirit of Big Bang Texas, a limited-edition timepiece designed as a homage to the Lone Star State. Carefully crafted to honor Texas's rich history, culture, and identity, the Spirit of Big Bang Texas incorporates iconic Texan elements into its design. This special edition, limited to 30 pieces, marks the second official Hublot timepiece dedicated to Texas, solidifying the brand's connection to the American southwestern spirit that defines the state. 더 알아보기 THE PERFECT PAIRING HUBLOT CELEBRATES POLO, FASHION, AND CHAMPAGNE WITH THE SPIRIT OF BIG BANG VEUVE CLICQUOT POLO CLASSIC [Los Angeles, California - October 4, 2024] — Introducing Hublot's latest limited-edition masterpiece: the Spirit of Big Bang Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic. This timepiece celebrates Hublot’s role as the Official Timekeeper for the prestigious Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic. Seamlessly blending precision with luxury, this timepiece embodies the elegance, boldness, and prestige of the brand's dynamic spirit, seamlessly intertwined with the exhilarating world of polo. Perfectly combining Hublot’s legendary craftsmanship with Veuve Clicquot’s Solaire art de vivre, this timepiece is a testament to the synergy of timekeeping and celebration. 더 알아보기 위블로와 소라이 변화를 위한 연대 위블로가 전 국제 크리켓 선수이자 환경 보호 활동가인 위블로 홍보대사 케빈 피터슨이 창립한 환경 보호 단체 소라이를 지원하는 의미로 30피스 리미티드 에디션인 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 투르비용 5 데이즈 파워 리저브 소라이를 새롭게 선보입니다. 2024년 9월 23일, 스위스, 뉴욕 위블로가 전 국제 크리켓 선수이자 위블로 홍보대사인 케빈 피터슨(Kevin Pietersen)이 창립한 코뿔소 보호 단체인 SORAI(아프리카 및 인도 지역의 코뿔소 보호, Save Our Rhinos Africa and India)와의 파트너십을 계속해서 이어 나갑니다. 위블로는 다음 세대를 위해 지구를 보호하고 변화를 이끌어 내기 위해서는 모두의 힘이 꼭 필요하다는 믿음을 가지고 변화를 위한 연대(United for Change)를 추진합니다. 코뿔소는 여전히 멸종 위기에 처해 있으며, 우리의 생태계와 환경 보호에서 중요한 역할을 하는 빅 5(Big 5)의 안정성에 영향을 미칩니다. 위블로는 소라이의 사명을 지원하고자 아이코닉한 토노형 핸드 와인딩 투르비용으로 제작된 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 투르비용 5 데이즈 파워 리저브 소라이를 30피스 리미티드 에디션으로 선보입니다. 네 번째 콜라보레이션으로 선보이는 위블로 x 소라이 워치는 앞선 협업과 마찬가지로 코뿔소 보호를 위한 투쟁을 이어갈 수 있도록 수익금의 일부를 환경 보호 단체에 기부합니다. 더 알아보기 AN ODE TO CANADA TIMELESS CRAFTSMANSHIP MEETS CANADIAN HERITAGE WITH THE BIG BANG UNICO CARBON CANADA September 20th, 2024—Hublot proudly announces the launch of the Big Bang Unico Carbon Canada, the first limited-edition timepiece crafted as an homage to the Great White North. This exclusive release represents a fusion of Hublot’s innovative craftsmanship with Canada’s rich heritage and national identity. Limited to just 50 pieces and exclusively available at Hublot Toronto boutique and Hublot Vancouver boutique in Canada. 더 알아보기 빅뱅 유니코 세일링 팀과 함께 다시 한 번 항해를 떠나는 위블로 컬렉터들을 위해 100피스 한정 생산되었으며, 알란 로라(Alan Roura)의 IMOCA와 마찬가지로 탄소 섬유로 제작된 워치 빅뱅 유니코 세일링 팀은, 선장과 세일링 요트, 그리고 그의 항해 활약을 돕는 위블로의 기술 간의 융합을 구현합니다. 빅뱅 유니코 세일링 팀과 함께 위블로는 브랜드의 뿌리라 할 수 있는 바다와 대담한 정신을 되찾습니다. 더 알아보기 The PIC restaurant is reborn at Beau-Rivage Palace Hublot and the prestigious Beau-Rivage Palace de Lausanne are proud to announce the highly anticipated reopening of the PIC restaurant, under the direction of the triple-starred chef and Hublot Ambassador Anne-Sophie Pic. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CLASSIC FUSION CENTENARY – WOSG EXCLUSIVE HUBLOT CELEBRATES WATCHES OF SWITZERLAND 100 YEARS WITH A SPECIAL EDITION CLASSIC FUSION CENTENARY – WOSG EXCLUSIVE TIMEPIECELONDON 12th August 2024 – In celebration of Watches of Switzerland’s 100th anniversary, Hublot unveils an iconic special edition: the Hublot Classic Fusion Centenary – WOSG Exclusive. This special edition is limited to 50 pieces and available exclusively in selected Watches of Switzerland boutiques and online in the United Kingdom and United States. The timepiece is available now. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT POLO GOLD CUP GSTAAD 2024 Under the official timekeeping of Hublot, the 27th edition of Europe's highest altitude polo tournament was held on August 23rd – 25th at one of the Bernese Alps’ most prestigious resort. Players and horses went head-to-head against a dramatic backdrop of Swiss mountains. 더 알아보기 ON ISLAND TIME HUBLOT’S HOMAGE TO HAWAIʻI: THE BIG BANG UNICO ʻO KA MUA[Honolulu, Hawaiʻi - August 22, 2024] - Hublot's ethos of the Art of Fusion celebrates tradition and innovation, a philosophy beautifully embodied in a new limited-edition timepiece designed exclusively for Hawaiʻi. The name ‘O Ka Mua means "the first," as Hublot has created the first limited edition timepiece for the Hublot Honolulu Ala Moana boutique. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT LOVES SUMMER 2024 Exclusive Event at “Hublot Omotesando Boutique” From 20th July (Sat) to 12th August (Mon/Holiday), the Hublot Omotesando Boutique and the grand staircase adjacent to the boutique will be decorated with light green and white stripes, the theme colors of “HUBLOT LOVES SUMMER 2024”, inviting prospects and clients a like. Enjoy the world of Hublot during summer. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CELEBRATES THE UEFA EURO 2024™ CHAMPION On-pitch performance has spoken as Spain has proudly lifted the UEFA EURO 2024 trophy in front of 71,000 spectators. Hublot extends heartfelt congratulations for this victory. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT Boutique Exclusive Events - "HUBLOT LOVES SUMMER FAIR 2024" From July 20th to August 12th, Hublot will hold "HUBLOT LOVES SUMMER FAIR 2024" at 7 Hublot boutiques in Japan (Ginza, Omotesando, Isetan Shinjuku, Nagoya, Osaka, Daimaru Umeda, Kyoto) to offer pieces for enjoying summer. Each boutique, decorated with refreshing displays in pastel and white, the fair's theme colors, will provide a wide variety of watches, including the latest models, Japan-exclusive models, and pair watches, to add color to your wrist during the summer season. During this period, customers who purchase a watch at a Hublot boutique will receive a special original gift. Please discover Hublot's diverse watch collection during this period. 더 알아보기 클래식 퓨전 에센셜 그레이: 시리즈 III Hublot는 에센셜 그레이 전설의 세 번째 장을 열었습니다. 2024 빈티지는 래디언트 그레이 컬러의 클래식 퓨전 모델 2종으로 구성되며, 온라인에서만 구매하실 수 있습니다. 더 알아보기 올 여름, 5번째 UEFA 유로를 시작하는 위블로 제17회 UEFA 유로 2024™(UEFA EURO 2024™)를 맞이하여 경기장 안팎에서 위블로와 함께 잊지 못할 축구의 달을 준비하세요. 스위스 럭셔리 워치메이커 위블로는 2008년 이후UEFA 유로(UEFA EURO)에 다섯 번째 함께 합니다. 위블로는 UEFA 유로 2024™(UEFA EURO 2024™) 17번째 대회에서 빅뱅을 형상화한 상징적인 네 번째 심판 보드와 심판들이 착용할 빅뱅 e를 통해 매 순간 순수한 아드레날린의 시간을 측정하는 경기장에 함께할 예정입니다. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT AND ANDREAS CAMINADA’S CASTLE OF SCHAUENSTEIN CELEBRATE 20 YEARS WITH THE SPECIAL EDITION BIG BANG UNICO ALL BLACK SCHLOSS SCHAUENSTEIN Swiss luxury watchmaker Hublot and acclaimed chef Andreas Caminada proudly unveil a remarkable timepiece in celebration of the Schauenstein castle’s restaurant’s two decades of innovation and excellence. This occasion sees the introduction of the limited-edition Big Bang Unico All Black Schloss Schauenstein, a creation which epitomizes the fusion of haute horlogerie and culinary mastery. 더 알아보기 아샴 드로플릿, 위블로와 다니엘 아샴이 제시하는 포켓 워치에 대한 새로운 정의 혁신적인 정신으로 잘 알려진 스위스의 럭셔리 워치메이커 위블로가 명성 높은 현대 미술가 다니엘 아샴(Daniel Arsham)과의 획기적인 콜라보레이션을 추진합니다. 이같은 선구적인 파트너십의 결실로 태어난 아샴 드로플릿은 고대의 형태와 미래지향적인 소재 및 제작 방식을 결합하여 클래식한 포켓 워치를 재해석한 혁신적인 타임피스입니다. 아샴 드로플릿은 포켓 워치, 펜던트, 시선을 사로잡는 테이블 클락까지 서로 다른 3가지 방식으로 스타일링이 가능한 매력적인 예술 작품으로 손꼽힙니다. 더 알아보기 WELCOME ESTELLE MOSSELY Both in and out of the ring, Estelle Mossely is a professional boxer whose passion and energy flow from a truly unique character. Her extraordinary career serves as an inspiration for women in sport. The multiple champion seamlessly blends her role as a mother with her preparations for new goals. Because deconstructing prejudice is also one of her mottos. With such a commonality of values, it's about bringing these truths to light, and Hublot is immensely proud to be welcoming Estelle Mossely into its family. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT UNVEILS A UNIQUE IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE Step into the Unico Experience, crafted to spotlight the Maison’s in-house chronograph movement. Participants in this digital realm can engage directly with a watchmaker to uncover Hublot’s profound passion for craftsmanship and high technology in a celebration of the brand’s commitment to the Art of Fusion. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT OPENS ITS FIRST PORTUGUESE BOUTIQUE IN LISBON Hublot has opened the doors of its first Boutique on Portuguese territory, in the booming city of Lisbon. The Portuguese capital is a point of attraction for brands and one of today's trendy tourist and cultural destinations. 더 알아보기 미쉐린 2스타 셰프 강민구, 위블로의 새로운 프렌드로 합류하다. “오뜨 퀴진의 조화로운 퓨전” 스위스 럭셔리 워치 매이커 위블로는 한국의 미쉐린 2 스타 셰프 강민구가 위블로의 가족이 되었음을 발표하게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다. 워치 메이킹 세계에서의 위블로 위상처럼 강민구 셰프는 한국 컨템포러리 요리계에서도 독보적인 입지를 구축했습니다. 더 알아보기 PARADISE FOUND [Grand Cayman Island – April 24, 2024] – Hublot, the renowned Swiss luxury watchmaker, proudly introduces three limited-edition timepieces inspired by the beauty of Grand Cayman. Infused with the island's serene blue hues, the Big Bang One Click Diamonds Stingray City, the Classic Fusion Aerofusion Chronograph Stingray City, and the Spirit of Big Bang Tourbillon 5-Day Power Reserve Stingray City embody elegance, innovation, and pay tribute to Grand Cayman. 더 알아보기 THREE MICHELIN STAR CHEF JAN HARTWIG IS HUBLOT’S NEW FRIEND OF THE BRAND The Swiss luxury watch manufacture is delighted to announce that German three Michelin stars chef Jan Hartwig has joined the Hublot family. Like Hublot, the chef has developed his own signature style in record time and is gaining international recognition for it. 더 알아보기 SPIRIT OF BIG BANG SANG BLEU A HIGH-TECH CREATION INCISED INTO THE TRANSPARENCY OF A SAPPHIRE After 8 years of collaboration between Hublot and Maxime Plescia-Buchi, we finally have a creation in sapphire. The three-dimensional geometry and the indelible features of Sang Bleu have been inked into Hublot’s high-tech material of choice. A geometric watch to be tattooed on your wrist, combining intensity and softness, strength and delicacy. Hublot has once again demonstrated its ability to combine craftsmanship and technology with this hyper-complex timepiece. 더 알아보기 빅뱅 인테그레이티드 타임 온리 빅뱅 인테그레이티드 타임 온리가 새롭게 돌아왔습니다. 솔리드 다이얼과 일체형 브레이슬릿으로 빅뱅의 오리지널 DNA를 구현한 타임피스가 위블로가 이뤄낸 성공의 기반을 상징하는 새로운 38mm 디자인으로 등장합니다. 더 알아보기 UNICO: A 100% Hublot mechanical revolution Launched in 2010 as the first movement designed by the Manufacture, and a technical and aesthetic pioneer, the Unico calibre only served to strengthen the reputation of Hublot, already renowned for the cutting-edge design of its watches. It boasts a unique look, thanks to its column wheel which is perfectly visible on the dial side, its chronograph with flyback function, its stylish anthracite grey lines and its unrivalled performance. Eight years later, the Manufacture launched a new generation of automatic chronographs with flyback function, with an updated, simplified design and formidable accuracy. 더 알아보기 빅뱅 MP-11 워터 블루 사파이어: 위블로가 선보이는 새로운 사파이어 버전 7개의 배럴로 2주의 파워 리저브를 제공하는 구조적인 무브먼트를 탑재한 MP-11이 반투명 워터 블루라는 새로운 컬러로 다시 한번 화려한 존재감을 자랑합니다. 위블로의 사파이어 팔레트에 새롭게 등장한 컬러이자, 지금까지는 보다 대비되는 소재로 제작되었던 이 타임피스에 최초로 등장한 워터 블루 컬러를 만나보세요. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO ORANGE CERAMIC: A CLOCKWORK ORANGE A new ceramic colour is making its appearance at the heart of the Big Bang Unico: a vibrant orange, the result of a unique alchemy and a flawless resistance to shocks and scratches. 더 알아보기 빅뱅 유니코 아이스 뱅 위블로가 새로운 온라인 익스클루시브 제품으로 유니코 무브먼트를 탑재한 유니크 피스 "아이스 뱅"을 선보입니다! 빅뱅 유니코 아이스 뱅은 2006년에 출시된 오리지널 모델의 강렬한 미학을 유지하면서도 담대한 스타일을 선보이고자 하는 위블로의 지향점을 담은 시계로, 놀라운 하이테크 소재와 머스트 해브 아이템으로서의 다양한 기능을 갖춘 세련된 시계입니다. hublot.com의 e-커머스 부티크에서 단 100피스만 판매되는 만큼 더욱 놓칠 수 없는 타임피스입니다. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT LOVES FOOTBALL Every second counts until UEFA EURO 2024™! UEFA EURO 2024™, the final phase of the UEFA European Football Championship, will take place this summer in Germany. Ahead of this great festival of European football, Hublot and Kylian Mbappé, the brand's ambassador, are together starting the countdown by unveiling the "Every second counts!" campaign 더 알아보기 THE SQUARE BANG UNICO REINVENTED IN MAGIC GOLD Hublot is unveiling two new Square Bang Unico models, combining scratch-resistant Magic Gold with the powerful features of the new icon. 더 알아보기 RENOWNED ARCHITECT MA YANSONG NEW FRIEND OF THE BRAND MA Yansong’s architecture and Hublot’s watchmaking share a common vision of transforming their art into an interactive, 3D experience, fusing the natural and the human-made, creating advanced designs with an affinity for Nature. 더 알아보기 위블로 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 디페쉬 모드 디페쉬 모드(Depeche Mode)와의 콜라보레이션으로 새롭게 선보이는 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 디페쉬 모드는 현재에 충실하면서도 시간의 가치를 숙고한다는 의미를 담아 메멘토 모리(Memento Mori)라는 타이틀로 선보이는 영국 밴드 디페쉬 모드의 최신 앨범과 월드 투어를 기념합니다. 시계 위 모래시계를 장식한 스컬 모티브는 이같은 컨셉을 상징하는 디테일입니다. 더 알아보기 빅뱅 유니코 그린 삭셈 사촌지간이라 함은 같은 가문에 속하면서도 서로 뚜렷한 차이점을 보이는 관계를 의미합니다. 사파이어와 삭셈 또한 위블로라는 동일한 혈통에서 비롯되어 서로의 관계를 정확히 표현할 수 있다는 점에서 이와 마찬가지라고 볼 수 있습니다. 위블로는 21세기에 접어들어 사파이어와 삭셈 모두가 상징적인 소재의 반열에 오를 만큼 이들을 적극적으로 활용해 왔습니다. 그럼에도 두 소재는 상당히 다른 차이점을 보입니다. 사파이어는 알루미늄 산화물로 제작되며, 여기에 금속 산화물을 추가하여 컬러를 연출합니다. 삭셈은 이와 대조적으로 희토류 원소를 활용하여 컬러를 구현합니다. 또한 사파이어는 삼각형(삼면) 구조, 삭셈은 입방(사면) 구조를 갖고 있습니다. 더 알아보기 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 32mm 주얼리 워치메이킹과 주얼리가 하나 되는 매혹적인 만남의 순간이 펼쳐집니다. 젬스톤 장인의 마법 같은 손길로 완성된 6개 모델의 32mm 케이스는 눈부신 빛을 자아내거나 무지갯빛으로 반짝이며 색다른 매력을 선사합니다. 타임피스들은 화이트 골드, 위블로가 제작한 18K 골드 합금이자 5N 골드보다 따뜻한 감각을 선사하는 킹 골드, 그리고 스테인리스 스틸 소재로 제작됩니다. 위블로는 아방가르드하면서도 획기적인 접근법을 바탕으로 여성스러운 매력이 돋보이는 화려한 디자인을 선보입니다. 정교하고 섬세한 매력을 자랑하는 풀 세팅 디자인의 스피릿 오브 빅뱅 주얼리와 함께, 시간은 더없이 눈부시게 반짝입니다. 슬림한 디자인은 여성스러운 감각을 선사하며 화려한 광채로 빛나는 세팅을 한층 강조합니다. 빅뱅 특유의 매력이 세련된 젬스톤과 어우러지는 스피릿 오브 빅뱅은 이제 화려하게 반짝이는 주얼리로 새롭게 태어납니다. 더 알아보기 클래식 퓨전 투르비용 올린스키 클래식 퓨전 투르비용 올린스키부터 조각 작품에 이르기까지, 올린스키의 작품은 늘 모두의 시선을 사로잡습니다. 때로는 예술 작품을 기반으로 시계가 탄생하기도 하고, 어쩌면 그 반대 방향의 작용이 일어나는지도 모릅니다. 위블로와 리차드 올린스키의 콜라보레이션은 '아트 오브 퓨전'이 가장 잘 드러나는 활동으로 손꼽힙니다. 전 세계에서 가장 높은 판매고를 올린 프랑스 아티스트 리차드 올린스키와 지난 20 년간 가장 혁신적인 워치메이커로 손꼽혀온 위블로의 만남은 서로를 향한 운명과도 같았습니다. 더 알아보기 MP-10 투르비용 웨이트 에너지 시스템 : 워치메이킹의 미래를 향한 문을 여는 위블로 위블로에서 벅찬 마음과 함께 MP-10 투르비용 웨이트 에너지 시스템 티타늄을 새롭게 선보입니다. 라운드 앵글, 유려한 디자인, 정교한 사파이어 크리스탈을 갖추고 섬세한 무브먼트가 장착된 이 타임피스는 형태와 소재의 완벽한 결합을 보여줍니다. MP 컬렉션의 주요 컨셉인, 기계적 요소와 미학적 요소의 만남을 충실히 구현한 새로운 시계를 만나보세요. 더 알아보기 SPIRIT OF BIG BANG TITANIUM DRAGON Drawing inspiration from the traditional Chinese art of paper cutting, the Spirit of Big Bang Titanium Dragon layers its hands, wheels and H-shaped screws to form a 3D silhouette of an eastern dragon. Hublot presents a rubber strap with a marquetry design for the very first time. Created in collaboration with the Chinese artist Chen Fen Wan, this limited edition of 88 pieces is the perfect fusion of tradition and modernity, combining metaphors and symbols in the spirit of Hublot: first, unique, different! 더 알아보기 HUBLOT GOES FOR VICTORY WITH ALEKSANDER AAMODT KILDE Twin achievements: a new sponsorship seamlessly aligning with podiums. A perfect timing and a symbiotic triumph! Kilde is closing the gap with precision, now chasing hundredths with Hublot. A new friend of the brand is joining Hublot’s athlete-driven family spirit. Alongside Aleksander Aamodt Kilde, Hublot is ready to ski through the adrenaline rush to the finish line. Kilde's strength is legendary in skiing circles, making him a force to be reckoned with in both downhill (DH) and super-G (SG) on the World Cup circuit. 더 알아보기 A TRIBUTE TO MIAMI Miami, a unique and electric city where the vibrant hues of the sunset paint the sky in a spectrum of color, a true muse for Hublot's latest creation – the Big Bang Unico Magic City. A 35 pieces limited-edition timepiece that encapsulates the essence of Miami’s dynamic spirit. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG MECA-10 STREET ART: 도시의 예술과 워치메이킹의 미학이 어우러지는 새로운 만남의 순간 위블로가 단 10피스로 출시되는 4가지 시리즈와 함께 워치메이킹의 규칙에 도전합니다. 콘크리트 케이스에 스텐실과 에어브러시를 사용하여 시계를 도시의 스트리트 예술로 구현한 위블로 최초의 벽화를 만나보세요. 이제 우수한 R&D 역량을 바탕으로 탁월한 기술력을 품은 최고급 시계와 예술적인 재능의 특별한 만남이 펼쳐집니다. 더 알아보기 CLASSIC FUSION BLACK MAGIC DUBAI WATCH WEEK HUBLOT AND AHMED SEDDIQI & SONS UNVEIL TWO EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL EDITION PIECES IN COLLABORATION WITH CALLIGRAPHY ARTIST WISSAM SHAWKAT In honour of the 6th biannual Dubai Watch Week exhibition, Hublot and partner Ahmed Seddiqi & Sons are thrilled to announce the release of two special edition Classic Fusion Black Magic Dubai Watch Week pieces, designed in collaboration with award-winning calligraphy artist Wissam Shawkat. Shawkat’s expertise in creating art that transcends boundaries and resonates with diverse audiences aligns perfectly with Hublot's commitment to innovation and artistic expression. 더 알아보기 사파이어 플라워 모티브와 중앙 투르비용: 위블로와 무라카미 다카시가 함께 개발한 MP-15 단 50피스로 출시되는 MP-15는 중앙 플라잉 투르비용을 갖춘 최초의 리미티드 에디션 위블로 시계입니다. 기발함과 유쾌한 감성뿐 아니라 탁월한 기술력이 돋보이는 이번 모델에서는 사파이어의 시각적 효과를 화려하게 재해석한 디자인을 감상할 수 있습니다. 다이얼은 시계의 얼굴과 같은 존재로 여겨집니다. 하지만 MP-15 무라카미 다카시에는 진정한 의미의 다이얼은 존재하지 않습니다. 이번 모델을 위해 위블로는 케이스, 무브먼트, 다이얼을 조화롭고도 독특하게 배치한 디자인을 선보입니다. 더 알아보기 ALAN ROURA TAKES ON THE ATLANTIC 더 알아보기 예술의 진정한 본질을 반영한 정교하고 섬세한 작품. 기능과 표현의 미학. BIG BANG TOURBILLON SR_A BY SAMUEL ROSS 예술과 독창성, 디자인, 그리고 부활에 대한 네버엔딩 스토리. 독창적 방식으로 차별화된 시대의 아티스트 로스는 유기적으로 순환하는 과정을 통해 지속적으로 그의 작품을 발전시킵니다. 마치 살아있는 생명처럼 사무엘 로스(Samuel Ross) 박사의 독창성과 아이디어는 끊임없이 사물을 형성하고, 재구성하며, 진화시키고, 재해석합니다. 빅뱅 투르비용 SR_A 바이 사무엘 로스의 진화된 다음 모델을 위해 로스는 섬세하면서도 직관적인 디테일을 선보입니다. 정밀성과 정확성, 선택이 SR_A의 시그니처 인더스트리얼 스타일을 통해 결합됩니다. 더 알아보기 ¡VIVA MÉXICO! HUBLOT REVEALS ITS HOMAGE TO MEXICO Unveiled exclusively at SIAR, the new Big Bang Unico Titanium Green Ceramic takes on the colour of the cactus, the iconic Mexican desert plant. For the first time, the rubber strap is covered with a layer made from the iconic Mexican plant. Unique, technical and innovative, in a limited edition of just 50 pieces. From Mexico City to the country as a whole, Mexico has long been one of the brightest stars in the Hublot universe, with a deep enthusiasm and affection for the brand. This new Big Bang created especially for SIAR (Salón Internacional Alta Relojería), to be held in Mexico City from 17–19 October 2023, is a genuine homage to Mexico, from case to bracelet! 더 알아보기 주얼러의 디자인과 장인 정신의 만남 위블로가 431개의 바게트 컷 다이아몬드가 세팅된 하이 주얼리 작품, 2023 클래식 퓨전 하이 주얼리 시계를 통해 아이코닉한 디자인과 장인 정신의 만남을 선보입니다. 더 알아보기 SPIRIT OF BIG BANG CERAMIC CARBON BEIGE CAMO A HUBLOT E-COMMERCE EXCLUSIVE Over the years, the landscape of luxury retail has undergone a profound transformation, with ecommerce emerging as a powerhouse in the industry, particularly in the United States. This surge in online shopping for luxury pieces represents a fundamental shift driven by convenience, accessibility, and desire for a seamless shopping experience. Hublot, a pioneer in luxury watchmaking, has been at the forefront of this digital revolution ensuring access to coveted timepieces for discerning clientele with unprecedented ease solidifying its position as a leader in the intersection of luxury and technology. 더 알아보기 Hublot announces the winners of the 8th edition of the Hublot Design Prize, recognising committed design. The Hublot Design Prize is an international competition launched by Hublot in 2015, awarded in recognition of original design. The prize is open to designers aged under 40 in recognition of their work achievements, without restricting itself to a specific area of design. To ensure the cultural diversity of the competition, and celebrate the wealth of creativity worldwide, each jury member is invited to select 5 candidates. The jury's first meeting in the year is to agree on the finalists who will come to present their philosophy at the event. This acts as a springboard for young designers' careers, while providing an international profile boost for the winner's existing work. 더 알아보기 위블로의 시그니처로 손꼽히는 매커니컬 워치가 프리미어 리그에서 데뷔합니다 To the delight of millions of football fans worldwide, the Premier League season is once again underway. Hublot Loves Football, and we couldn’t miss the opportunity to release a new limited edition to celebrate the return of the most competitive and compelling football competition- introducing the Classic Fusion Chronograph Premier League. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO ALL BLACK GREEN In celebration of their ongoing partnership, Hublot and the Watches of Switzerland Group have unveiled a new and exclusive special edition. This special edition timepiece is limited to 50 pieces and available exclusively in selected boutiques and online in the United Kingdom and United States.In celebration of their ongoing partnership, Hublot and the Watches of Switzerland Group have unveiled a new and exclusive special edition. This special edition timepiece is limited to 50 pieces and available exclusively in selected boutiques and online in the United Kingdom and United States. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG e UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Gen3 UEFA 챔피언스 리그는 매해 전 세계에서 가장 많은 시청자를 보유한 스포츠 이벤트입니다. 새롭게 출시된 리미티드 에디션 빅뱅 e UEFA 챔피언스 리그 3세대는 이제 경기에서의 모든 골을 따라갈 준비가 되어 있습니다. 시계를 켜면 UEFA 챔피언스 리그 로고가 나타나고, 실시간 경기를 추적하도록 대회 앱을 설정할 수 있습니다. 언제, 어디서, 무엇을 하든 쉽고 효율적이며 간단하게 경기를 감상할 수 있습니다. 더 알아보기 Novak Djokovic goes a step beyond the records with 24 Grand Slams and a fourth U.S. Open title Idemo Nole! This afternoon on the hallowed court of the Arthur-Ashe Stadium, Hublot ambassador Novak Djokovic added a fourthU.S. Open title, and extended his unique all-time men’s Grand Slam record to 24. No one in history has ever won more Grand Slams. 더 알아보기 SPAIN WIN THE FIFA WOMEN’S WORLD CUP 2023TM ON HUBLOT TIME Congratulations Spain! At a packed Stadium Australia in Sydney, at around lunchtime Swiss time today, Spain and Hublot Friend of the Brand Alexia Putellas became champions of the world! The FIFA Women’s World CupTM final was the showpiece of a magnificent tournament held in Australia and New Zealand across nine cities and 64 fixtures, all running to Hublot time. The Swiss luxury watchmaker served as the tournament’s Official Timekeeper for the third time, clocking every minute of every game, captured by LED boards, the iconic Big Bang-shaped fourth official boards, and the Hublot Big Bang e, the luxury smartwatch devoted to the world’s greatest game. Hublot loves football! 더 알아보기 HUBLOT POLO GOLD CUP GSTAAD 2023 In August, the 26th edition of Europe's highest altitude polo competition was held in Gstaad, 1050 m above sea level. Once again transformed for four days into a perfect polo field, the Saanen airfield played host to the summer's top polo tournament. Flanked by two majestic mountains, this unique "cancha" (polo field) offers a breathtaking panorama, making it a highly popular venue among the top international players, including the Hublot team. This colourful competition promised to be truly thrilling. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT KICKS OFF THE FIFA WOMEN’S WORLD CUP 2023™ The FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™ is here! The biggest tournament in the history of the women’s game will kick off today Australia and New Zealand. Hublot will be there as Official Timekeeper, keeping time at every one of the tournament’s 64 fixtures, from the first group stage game at Eden Park in Auckland between New Zealand and Norway on 20 July, to the final in Sydney on 20 August. Every match will run to Hublot time, captured by the iconic Big Bang-shaped fourth official boards, LED boards, and the Hublot Big Bang e Gen 3, the watchmaker’s luxury smartwatch devoted to the world’s greatest game, on the wrists of all of the competition’s Official Referees. Hublot loves football! 더 알아보기 Classic Fusion Titanium Limited Edition for Hodinkee Hodinkee, the leading destination for all things watches and horology, has collaborated with the disruptive and rebellious Swiss watch manufacturer, Hublot to reimagine the iconic “Atelier Watch” with the Classic Fusion Titanium Limited Edition for Hodinkee. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT LOVES SUMMER ZURICH 2023 For many years, Hublot has been celebrating summer at the most exclusive waterfront locations of the Mediterranean. This year, Lake Zurich will set the stage for an Hublot Loves Summer party bringing cocktails imagined by the Bar am Wasser mixologists, a private performance by Dora Live Band and an electrifying set by DJ Ilona. A perfect summer setting to celebrate the Big Bang Unico Sky Blue inspired by cloudless summer days, and endless nights. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT OPENS A NEW BOUTIQUE IN THE HEART OF VIENNA In the heart of Vienna, the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer Hublot has opened the doors of its new boutique. Hublot CEO Ricardo Guadalupe together with Friends of the Brand welcomed guests to celebrate the official opening of the Hublot Vienna Boutique. 더 알아보기 BUCHERER AND HUBLOT STRENGTHEN PARTNERSHIP WITH TWO NEW EXCLUSIVE BIG BANG UNICO MODELS Today, Bucherer 1888 proudly announces the continuation of its partnership with Swiss luxury watchmaker Hublot with the launch of two exclusive watches, and announces plans to open a modern and spacious standalone boutique in Covent Garden this summer. The Big Bang Unico Bucherer Exclusive Titanium and the Big Bang Unico Bucherer Exclusive Ceramic make a contrasting pair of watches that celebrate the Big Bang, Hublot’s flagship collection with an instantly recognisable design. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO AZUR At this luxurious, elegant and lavish event at Villa Cap Estel, our ambassadors and friends joined us for an exclusive preview of Hublot’s summer collection. With the Mediterranean merging with the sky on the horizon, it was a wonderful opportunity to share the "Hublot loves summer" experience, and to unveil our latest edition. Immersing you in the rich hues of the Deep Blue, the Big Bang Unico Azur is a beautiful watchmaking interpretation of this eternal shade. Fifty pieces will be released and will be exclusively available at Hublot's two French Riviera boutiques in Monaco and St Tropez. 더 알아보기 SPIRIT OF BIG BANG ESSENTIAL GREY 42MM The Essential Grey features a variation in style in luminous grey and is exclusively available online. A unique approach to watchmaking for a handful of collectors who make each vintage their own. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO FULL MAGIC GOLD: FULL GOLD, ZERO COMPROMISE Hublot loves to surprise, invent, innovate. We always expect more from the manufacture, in every possible domain: from the sapphire case, to the movement, complications and design, and, of course, the universe of its ambassadors. Only this time, with the Big Bang Unico Full Magic Gold, Hublot has returned to basics. 더 알아보기 NOVAK DJOKOVIC MAKES TENNIS AND SPORTS HISTORY BY WINNING ALL-TIME RECORD 23RD GRAND SLAM AT THE FRENCH OPEN What a match! What a player! What a historic moment! In Paris yesterday afternoon, Hublot ambassador Novak Djokovic won the French Open, his 23rd Grand Slam, making him the most successful player in tennis history. Nole becomes the first male tennis player to reach 23 slams, an astonishing record that may never be bettered. And he’s not done yet! Congratulations Nole! We’re so proud of you! 더 알아보기 HUBLOT MARKS THE RETURN OF VEUVE CLICQUOT POLO CLASSIC NEW YORK WITH A SPECIAL EDITION TIMEPIECE To celebrate the return of the Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic at Liberty State Park in the New York metro area, luxury Swiss watchmaker, Hublot, and the famed Champagne House have joined forces for the fifth time to create a limited-edition timepiece exclusive to the New York City boutique in honor of the iconic polo match taking place on Saturday, June 3rd. Once again, Hublot serves as the official timekeeper and scoreboard sponsor. 더 알아보기 THE FUSION OF INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY FROM TWO ICONIC SWISS BRANDS Hublot and Nespresso, two Swiss icons, have joined forces on an exceptional project: the creation of a Big Bang timepiece based on recycling and circularity. This watch is the first to be made using recycled Nespresso aluminium capsules and coffee grounds. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO SKY BLUE The Sky’s the Limit. The Big Bang Unico Sky Blue brings together three classic Hublot elements – the iconic Big Bang model, its Unico manufacture movement and ceramic, the Swiss watch luxury watchmaker’s material of choice. 더 알아보기 SPIRIT OF BIG BANG SANG BLEU : THE EMBODIMENT & SPIRIT IN THREE DIMENSIONS For the 7th year and third collaboration with Hublot, Maxime Plescia-Buchi is channelling the Spirit of Big Bang through the Sang Bleu prism. Just as his tattoos create new identity, revealing new shapes and new perspectives, the celebrated typographer, tattooist, artist and founder of Sang Bleu injects a new spirit into the Spirit of Big Bang collection. The Spirit of Big Bang Sang Bleu stays true to the series’ characteristics while remaining highly distinctive. With a faceted, structured 42 mm diameter, this watch has an enhanced three-dimensional and ergonomically-enhanced design. There are three limited editions to adorn your wrist – 200 units in titanium, 200 in All Black ceramic and 100 in King Gold. In addition, two models are set with 180 diamonds in titanium and King Gold. 더 알아보기 CLASSIC FUSION MADRID BOUTIQUE - SHOWCASING A GOLDEN CROWNING TOUCH Born from the original 1980 hublot watch design & shape, the classic fusion boutique madrid shakes up conventions in grand style, smartly attired in black ceramic on which all that glitters is indeed gold. 더 알아보기 스퀘어 뱅 유니코: 다이아몬드가 세팅된 8가지 에디션으로 만나는 특별한 컬렉션 지난 해 제네바에서 선보인 새로운 컬렉션이 다이아몬드와 만나 색다른 이야기를 펼쳐 보입니다. 화이트 골드, 티타늄, 킹 골드 소재에 4가지 세팅 레벨로 구성된 8가지 모델을 만나보세요. 더 알아보기 위블로 스퀘어 뱅 유니코: 워치스 앤 원더스에서 새롭게 공개되는 3가지 에디션 2022년, 위블로는 새로운 스퀘어 형태의 디자인이 돋보이는 스퀘어 뱅 유니코를 선보이며 워치메이킹 세계에 일대 파란을 일으켰습니다. 성공적인 이야기 이후 1년의 시간이 지나, 이제 위블로가 사파이어 및 세라믹 소재로 새롭게 선보이는 3가지 에디션을 통해 첨단 소재에 대한 탁월한 역량을 드러냅니다. 더 알아보기 클래식 퓨전 크로노그래프 올린스키 눈이 마주친 바로 그 순간, 시그니처와도 같은 모서리로 연출해낸 각면과 국제적으로 명성 높은 비주얼 아티스트 특유의 각진 구조에 시선을 빼앗기게 됩니다. 어쩌면 위블로 크로노그래프 다이얼의 탁월한 기술력에 이끌릴 수도 있습니다. 특별한 콜라보레이션의 새로운 장을 열어 가는 클래식 퓨전 크로노그래프 올린스키는 예술과 탁월한 정밀성을 사랑하는 이들 모두의 마음을 사로잡습니다. 41mm 케이스를 갖춘 독특한 시계는 손목 위에 편안한 착용감을 선사합니다. 퓨전의 마법이 새로운 경지에 도달하는 순간, 시계는 진정한 예술 작품으로 거듭납니다. 더 알아보기 빅뱅 인테그레이티드 투르비용 풀 카본 가벼움과 견고함의 완벽한 만남 위블로에서 끊임없이 나아가는 퓨전의 정신을 만나보세요. 새로운 빅뱅은 위블로의 자체 제작 마이크로 투르비용, 가볍고 견고한 카본 파이버 및 텍사리움 소재의 케이스와 완벽한 일체형 스트랩의 조합으로 완성되었습니다. 혁신적인 기술이 담긴 럭셔리 시계를 소개합니다. 더 알아보기 빅뱅 MP-13: 2개의 축을 갖춘 투르비용과 듀얼 레트로그레이드 디스플레이로 새롭게 선보이는 완벽한 위블로 매뉴팩처 컴플리케이션 위블로는 MP 컬렉션의 새로운 장을 펼쳤습니다. 워치메이킹의 미래에 주목하는 수집가들의 마음을 사로잡을 최고급 기술의 매혹적인 티임피스를 만나보세요. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT ANNOUNCES CONTEMPORARY ARTIST DANIEL ARSHAM AS A NEW AMBASSADOR To begin the collaboration, Daniel Arsham will create a Hublot-inspired 20-metre sundial in the Zermatt snowscape in Schwarzee, at 2583m. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT AND TAKASHI MURAKAMI LAUNCH A COLLECTION OF 13 UNIQUE WATCHES AND 13 UNIQUE NFTs As a result of their new collaboration, Hublot and Takashi Murakami present thirteen new NFTs and thirteen unique timepieces featuring the iconic smiling flower that is central to the Japanese artist's work. 더 알아보기 NOVAK DJOKOVIC WINS A RECORD 10TH AUSTRALIAN OPEN AND A RECORD-EQUALLING 22ND GRAND SLAM Djokovic confirms his status as the most successful player in men’s tennis history with a record win in the Rod Laver arena 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CELEBRATES THE YEAR OF THE RABBIT: “HAPPY兔-GETHER (TO-GETHER)” In order to mark the arrival of the Year of the Rabbit, Hublot collaborated with Chinese Artist Wen Na in creating a unique painting for the dial of the Spirit of Big Bang Black Ceramic Rabbit 더 알아보기 HUBLOT BIG BANG ZERMATT: BACK TO THE MATTERHORN For the fourth time, Hublot celebrates its special relationship with Zermatt, the iconic Swiss Alpine resort town nestled at the base of the Matterhorn. Two original new creations are being released to mark this special occasion. 더 알아보기 THE BIG BANG TOURBILLON AUTOMATIC NOW IN NEON YELLOW SAXEM Reproducing a translucent case in a bright, fluorescent shade of neon yellow may seem like a simple idea. But, in fact, it was incredibly complex to achieve. The yellow is a powerful, bright neon colour which almost seems to glow from the inside, like a fluorescent material. An intense fluorescent shade of acid yellow, citrus-like in its quality. To meet this highly technical challenge, Hublot had to search for a solution in space technology. In fact, SAXEM was developed in the field of satellite technology. A unique material that had also been used in 2019 for the Big Bang MP-11. 더 알아보기 RAINBOW EDITIONS: THE BIG BANG IS SEEING DOUBLE What is the rule for new pieces presented during LVMH Watch Week? Even if there were any rules, Hublot would probably not have followed them – just as the brand doesn’t follow any playbook! For this first watchmaking event of 2023, the Manufacture has drawn inspiration from its 2022 best-seller, sprinkled with a touch of Haute Joaillerie folly in creating a pair of non-identical twin watches that invite us to play and revel in the art of bejewelled case setting. Although there are two new Big Bang models, we can enjoy a fun game of "Spot The Difference"... there are seven in all! 더 알아보기 TIME FOR RHINOS Hublot has been supporting SORAI – Save Our Rhinos Africa India –since 2019. An organisation founded by Hublot ambassador and former international cricket star Kevin Pietersen. His work helps keep rhinos threatened with extinction safe from poachers. As with the two previous limited editions, part of the proceeds from the sale of the 100 Big Bang Unico SORAI will be donated to the organisation. The colours chosen for the third limited edition are those of sunset, recalling the heightened danger faced by rhinos as night falls. Here, the sun is a symbol of hope, of a new dawn. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT NFT DRAW 2023 Hublot and Takashi Murakami are pushing back the boundaries of artistic expression by presenting two NFTs. These are inspired by the Hublot Classic Fusion Takashi Murakami All Black and the Classic Fusion Takashi Murakami Sapphire Rainbow, the first two watches launched jointly by the Swiss watchmaker and the great Japanese artist in 2021. 더 알아보기 CLASSIC FUSION ORIGINAL Hublot brings back the watch that shook up conventions in 1980. Both refined and sporty, this precious gold case strapped on a simple rubber strap, unthinkable at the time, sent huge shock waves through the world of fine watchmaking. By winning over an audience of connoisseurs who were searching for different watch products, so began a tireless visionary momentum, impelled by audacity. This vision inspires the Maison in everything it does, including new product development, designs and partnerships. The Classic Fusion Original celebrates this youthful maturity with timeless simplicity. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CELEBRATES THE LIFE OF KING PELÉ The Hublot family has learned with great sorrow of the passing of Edson Arantes do Nascimento, known to the world simply and affectionately as Pelé. Here in Nyon and around the world, we join together in mourning our great friend and in offering our most heartfelt condolences to his wife Marcia and his family. Hublot loves Pelé – now and always! 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CONGRATULATES FIFA WORLD CUP 2022™ WINNER ARGENTINA Hublot congratulates the Argentinian team on its victory at the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™! As the tournament’s Official Timekeeper, Hublot shares this success as it proudly timed every FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ match, from the qualification rounds to the final on Sunday, 18 December. 더 알아보기 MP-09 Tourbillon Bi-Axis 5-Day Power Reserve: Hublot’s Rainbow shines in Miami The famous gemstone pattern has been reproduced using coloured composites inserted into the mass of a 3D carbon case. A world first, exclusively unveiled in Miami during the Hublot Loves Art in Miami event. 더 알아보기 Hublot Big Bang e Blue Victory 더 알아보기 HUBLOT DESIGN PRIZE HITS NEW HEIGHTS Continuing its support of young designers, Hublot this year celebrates the seventh, and biggest, edition of the annual Hublot Design Prize. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO BERLUTI WHITE GREY In this latest collaboration, the fusion of Hublot’s watchmaking savoir faire with Berluti’s iconic patina results in the creation of a supreme timepiece. A highly anticipated collaboraion inspired by the Art of Fusion. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT KICKS OFF “HUBLOT LOVES FOOTBALL” CAMPAIGN IN UNIQUE STYLE As FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ fever takes hold, Hublot announces a dedicated campaign with 15 Football icons and 15 one-of-a-kind football designs created by fashion designer Mira Mikati. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT ANNOUNCES THE NEW BIG BANG e FIFA WORLD CUP QATAR 2022™ For the 4th consecutive edition Hublot is proud to be the Official Timekeeper of the FIFA World Cup 2022™. The countdown to the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ is on, and Hublot’s innovative new Gen 3 connected watch is ready to time every minute of it. 더 알아보기 A FOUR-HANDED MICHELIN-STARRED DINNER Damascus Steel: the material of choice for Michelin starred chefs, from their knives to their Big Bang Unico Gourmet. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT AND SHEPARD FAIREY COME TOGETHER IN HOLLYWOOD TO LAUNCH A NEW TIMEPIECE The Swiss luxury watch brand and internationally renowned contemporary street artistShepard Fairey join forces to launch a North American exclusive timepiece: The Classic Fusion Aerofusion Chronograph All Black Shepard Fairey, featuring Shepard Fairey’s signature star mandala and Hublot’s All Black iconic design signature. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CELEBRATES A SECOND MADRID BOUTIQUE OPENING WITH A PRIVATE EVENT The second Hublot boutique in Madrid has opened its doors! Operated by our long-standing partner, Rabat, the boutique was officially opened with the traditional ribbon cutting. There, Ricardo Guadalupe, Hublot CEO and Jordi Rabat, were joined by award-winning footballer Alexia Putellas, ex-footballer Luis Figo, and the mentalist Lior Suchard, all friends of the brand. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT POLO GOLD CUP GSTAAD After two years of interruption caused by the pandemic, Europe's highest altitude tournament – the Hublot Polo Gold Cup Gstaad – made its comeback from 18 to 21 August 2022, to the great delight of its spectators! To the rhythm of hooves and mallets, officially timed by Hublot, the closely-fought chukkers were played, with Team Clinique La Prairie claiming victory as the winner of this 25th edition. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT LOVES SUMMER Summer escapes to Ibiza, Capri and St.Tropez. Hublot hits the Mediterranean for the launch of three special editions 더 알아보기 HUBLOT BIG BANG UNICO ESSENTIAL GREY A first: this watch limited to 200 pieces is exclusively available online on the e-commerce platform hublot.com. The new chic, technical and exclusive Big Bang Unico Essential Grey is a stunning cocktail designed by Hublot! 더 알아보기 HUBLOT AT THE PINNACLE OF SAILING Two days before the start of the 83rd Bol d’Or Mirabaud, Hublot invited its new ambassador, Alan Roura, for a quick stopover in Geneva. It was an opportunity to speak to him about the activities he organises to pass his love of sailing on to the next generations. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT NFT DRAW 더 알아보기 BIG BANG TOURBILLON SAMUEL ROSS A Hublot ambassador since 2020, creative director Samuel Ross brings his unique graphic language to watchmaking for the first time with the limited-edition Big Bang Tourbillon Samuel Ross. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO SUMMER PURPLE It’s fashion, baby! Hublot stays on-trend this summer with the launch of a Big Bang Unico in a brand-new shade – purple! A purple splash for a refreshing dive into the bold, bright colours of Spring-Summer 2022. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT IS TOP OF THE LEAGUE The UEFA Champions League holds a special place in the hearts of players and fans alike. It brings together the best teams and the best players for an exciting tournament that unites people and leaves them with lasting memories. It doesn't matter which kit, player, or team you’re rooting for, there is one watch that is the common denominator in this passion for the beautiful game: the Big Bang Unico UEFA Champions League. A watch made to capture the best moments of football such as the fastest goal in UEFA Champions League history that was scored just 10.12 seconds after kick-off or the times when tactical switches in the final minutes of the game completely change the winning score. 더 알아보기 SQUARE BANG UNICO: A NEW WATCH-SHAPE TAKES FORM AT WATCHES & WONDERS Hublot unveils its own interpretation of the square watch, a totally new geometry for the watchmaker. Inspired by the Maison's iconic Big Bang, this Square Bang Unico adds a new pillar, ‘The Shaped Collection’ to sit alongside the Spirit of Big Bang. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CLASSIC FUSION ORLINSKI BRACELET After five years of collaboration, Hublot and Richard Orlinski are unveiling the missing link of their shared collection: a series of watches adorned with a new metallic bracelet using the facets of the French artist’s famous sculptures. 더 알아보기 A new frontier is reached in the art of sapphire Those who may have thought that the Orange Sapphire version of the previous Big Bang Tourbillon Automatic was a defining culmination were mistaken. Innovation is not a destination, it’s a path, a perpetual quest. And above all, a state of mind: a state of mind that has been driving Hublot for over 40 years. With the new Big Bang Tourbillon Automatic Purple Sapphire, the Nyon watchmaker unveils an exclusive version of synthetic sapphire, a world first, and a completely new colour in the field of fine watchmaking: translucent purple. 더 알아보기 위블로가 무라카미 타카시와 함께 두 가지 NFT를 출시합니다 국제적인 산업 박람회인 워치스 & 원더스를 맞이하여 위블로와 무라카미 타카시가 위블로 클래식 퓨전 무라카미 타카시에서 영감을 받은 두 가지 NFT 디지털 작품을 선보입니다. 더 알아보기 ALAN ROURA, NEW HUBLOT AMBASSADOR With less than 1000 days to go before the start of the tenth edition of the Vendée Globe, Swiss watch manufacture Hublot has teamed up with skipper Alan Roura. As he prepares for his third consecutive Vendée Globe, the Genevan skipper can count on a top-tier partner and long-term collaboration towards an ambitious goal: to win the 2024 edition of the "Everest of the seas" – the world's most challenging sailing race. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT OPENS A NEW BOUTIQUE IN MILAN Hublot has opened its fourth Italian boutique in Milan, in the heart of its famous Fashion District. The opening was celebrated with an unforgettable evening held during Milan Fashion Week. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT PARTNERS WITH LEDGER TO MERGE HIGH-END CRYPTO TECHNOLOGY AND THE ANCIENT CURRENCY “ELECTRUM” WITH TRADITIONAL WATCH CRAFTSMANSHIP Hublot loves crypto! Today, the Swiss watchmaker introduces the Big Bang Unico Ledger, a landmark watch created in partnership with Ledger, the world’s leading and most secure crypto and digital asset platform, already trusted by 4 million customers worldwide. The watch merges high-end crypto technology and traditional watch craftsmanship. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT JOINS THE POLAR POD EXPEDITION TO UNCOVER THE SOUTHERN OCEAN Hublot becomes the partner of the Polar Pod expedition, a zero-emission, ecological vessel designed by explorer Jean-Louis Etienne to explore the Southern Ocean which surrounds Antarctica. It is the planet’s main oceanic carbon sink and a gigantic reservoir of marine biodiversity that is still poorly understood. This expedition is a first for this Ocean, which has never yet been the subject of this type of research. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT ROARS IN THE YEAR OF THE TIGER WITH THE UNIQUE SPIRIT OF BIG BANG CARBON GOLD TIGER As the lunar year begins, Hublot introduces a 200-piece version of its barrel-shaped icon in Frosted Carbon and gold, a first for the Swiss fine watchmaker. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT INTRODUCES AN ORANGE CARBON EDITION OF THE BIG BANG UNICO GOLF Hublot loves golf! Today, at LVMH Watch Week 2022, we’re extremely proud to introduce the Big Bang Unico Golf Orange Carbon, an entirely mechanical golf watch that can keep track of your score over the course of an 18-hole round. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG ONE CLICK 33, 39 AND 42 MM With even more sparkle this year, the Big Bang One Click 33s reveal their many facets and come with a new luxury. A collection of twelve silky bracelets, cut from ‘soft touch’ grained calf leather changes, with the seasons. Available in King Gold or steel, partially or fully set, the cases feature black or white polished dials, around which the precious hours are arranged. True to its Art of Fusion, Hublot attached them to a matching black or white rubber strap. Twelve versions, a multitude of styles. 더 알아보기 THE MAGIC OF INKED TIME The Hublot X Sang Bleu story continues, with three new iterations of the Big Bang Sang Bleu II. To mark their 7th year of collaboration, Maxime Plescia-Buchi chose to apply his ink to two iconic materials born from the Hublot Art of Fusion – Magic Gold and ceramic. Two scratch-resistant materials which nevertheless bear the indelible mark of the famous tattoo artist. 550 tattoos to wear on the wrist in 3 limited editions. 더 알아보기 RETURN TO THE ORIGINS OF YELLOW GOLD: HUBLOT RECONNECTS WITH ITS FOUNDING SPIRIT Hublot presents six models: Classic Fusion, Big Bang and Spirit of Big Bang. Made entirely from yellow gold, these models pay tribute to the brand's preferred material, which saw a resurgence around 40 years ago. 더 알아보기 LAY ZHANG: A NEW HUBLOT AMBASSADOR Hublot is proud to announce that the Chinese Pop Star Lay Zhang is joining the Hublot Family, sharing his First, Unique, Different take on the world of music and performance arts. Lay is the kind of person who is driven by his powerful ambition and his constant quest for excellence. 더 알아보기 Big Bang All Black Zermatt Hublot sets out to reconquer the Matterhorn – the world-famous emblem of Switzerland. The manufacture has unveiled a new Big Bang "All Black" model. Swiss downhill and slalom champions Corinne Suter and Tanguy Nef represent its two proud faces. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT LOVES ASPEN SNOWMASS Hublot takes on the (Black) Diamond and pays tribute to 75 years of Aspen Snowmass with the Classic Fusion Aerofusion Aspen Snowmass Limited Edition 더 알아보기 CLASSIC FUSION TAKASHI MURAKAMI SAPPHIRE RAINBOW Hublot and Takashi Murakami unveil the second timepiece of their collaboration: the Classic Fusion Takashi Murakami Sapphire Rainbow. This new watch takes the smiling flower, the iconic theme of the Japanese artist’s work, and transforms it into a whirlwind of transparency and colour. Hublot loves Art! 더 알아보기 Hublot Omotesando Boutique Opening 2021 2021年12月4日(土)、東京・表参道に「ウブロ表参道ブティック」がオープン! 「ウブロ表参道ブティック」は、世界で唯一のデザインを採用した革新的なプレゼンテーションを随所に取り入れたユニークなブティックです。ブランドコンセプト「アート・オブ・フュージョン(異なる素材やアイデアの融合)」を表現した店内は、グレーやベージュなどのシックな色を基調に、色彩豊かで華やかなポップアートが融合した特別な空間です。表参道からの自然光が差し込む心地良さと開放感あふれる店内で、ウブロの多彩なコレクションやブランドの世界観をお楽しみいただけます。 더 알아보기 10 YEARS OF HUBLOT LOVES ART For the first time ever in Hublot Loves Art history, Hublot gathers five of its famed artist Ambassadors alongside friends of the brand and celebrities to mark ten years of its love for Art. While Miami is booming with art and design, The Faena Forum Miami Beach has been turned into a star-studded party and exclusive immersive art exhibition. Limited editions on all levels! 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO ARTURO FUENTE CERAMIC Hublot and cigar brand Arturo Fuente y Compañia have once again joined forces to present the Big Bang Fuente Limited Edition watch, in tribute to Carlos A. Fuente Sr., a giant in the cigar industry, a trendsetter, and father and patriarch of the Fuente family. 더 알아보기 ANNE-SOPHIE PIC X HUBLOT Anne-Sophie Pic is much more than a sum of her stars. Haute Cuisine runs in the family and she is passionate about her work; this is just the kind of personal story Hublot loves. The kind of story that brings people into the spotlight, creates emotional attachment, forges a unique, different character, which emboldens them, because to be the first, you have to dare to go where no-one else has gone before. A bit closer to the stars with Anne-Sophie Pic 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO EDEN ROCK ST BARTHS Hublot announces a 25-piece limited-edition watch symbolising its continuing collaboration with the Oetker Collection’s iconic Caribbean hotel 더 알아보기 WHEN THE CAPTAIN OF THE SPAIN WOMEN’S NATIONAL FOOTBALL TEAM PLAYS FOR HUBLOT A superb footballer with unquestionable commitment and a hunger for success, Alexia is a highly valued athlete at both a national and international level. Not only is she passionate about football, she is also strongly committed to supporting women’s sports and society in general. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT STARTS THE CLOCK – ONE YEAR TO GO UNTIL THE FIFA WORLD CUP QATAR 2022™ BEGINS! Hublot loves football! The luxury Swiss watch company – first, unique, different – is delighted to announce the unveiling of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ Official Countdown Clock. 더 알아보기 THE ART OF FUSION BRINGS TOGETHER TWO EXCEPTIONAL PARTNERS: HUBLOT AND THREE MICHELIN STAR CHEF ENEKO ATXA The Swiss luxury manufacture welcomes one of the best chefs in the world, Eneko Atxa, who holds five Michelin stars with his various restaurants, to the Hublot family. Born in Amorebieta (Vizcaya, Basque Country, Spain), he became one of the youngest chefs to be awarded three Michelin stars at his restaurant Azurmendi. His cuisine continues to grow and evolve, giving way to new proposals such as international projects ENEKO and BASQUE or the Eneko Shop, a delivery service through which the chef has adapted to the new ways of living and working in times of pandemic. 더 알아보기 Corinne Suter, the Swiss skier, joins the family of Swiss luxury watchmaker, Hublot Corinne Suter: the 2021 World Downhill Champion is the Swiss star that everyone had been waiting for. She has managed to harness pressure by transforming her adrenaline into a driving force and turning her doubts into a strength that is greater than her. She has gained confidence in her abilities and knows that she can compete with the best; this has changed her perspective. She has found her equilibrium and became the world's best speed specialist. Today, she is joining the Hublot family. A unique combination of the watchmaker and the Queen of the downhill skiing. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT BIG BANG UNICO SANG BLEU II MEXICO A mechanical sculpture for the wrist, the Big Bang Sang Bleu II is available in a new limited edition especially designed for Mexico, blending tattoo art and mysticism with state-of-the-art technology. 더 알아보기 The Hublot Design Prize shines a light on today's talents, the design stars of tomorrow The 6th edition of the Hublot Design Prize is awarded to Mohammed Iman Fayaz for his work Independence of expression & cultural diversity and gender. A name to remember! Design is part of our daily life; it surrounds us and inspires us, asking questions and delivering social and environmental messages. And those who excel in the field can become household names; a promising creative talent can one day soar to be designer with worldwide renown. This is the primary objective of the Hublot Design Prize, to provide a springboard for talented designers. The Pierre Keller Award goes to Eva Feldkamp and Federica Fragapane 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO BUCHERER BLUE Hublot’s flagship collection, the Big Bang, has revolutionized the watchmaking universe with its extraordinary design, which is instantly recognisable. A contemporary icon, it is constantly reinventing itself with technical and aesthetic daring. Bucherer has joined forces with Hublot to launch a new Bucherer BLUE limited edition timepiece embodying a shared brand essence and philosophies. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO BERLUTI ALUMINIO Hublot and Berluti, 5 years of collaboration and a new limited edition run of 100 pieces: the two houses explore shades of grey in a unique creative exercise. 더 알아보기 SPIRIT OF BIG BANG GOLD CRYSTAL It is often said that what Nature creates cannot be reproduced, as natural processes require both time and a complexity which are beyond the realms of human endeavour. Once again, Hublot has made the impossible possible by transmuting gold into its rarest and most exclusive form: gold crystal. This form of gold is unique, since it is impossible to reproduce two identical gold crystals. 더 알아보기 NOVAK DJOKOVIC, A NEW HUBLOT AMBASSADOR Novak Djokovic has joined the Hublot family in the company of such legendary sportsmen as Pelé, Kylian Mbappé, Usain Bolt and Dustin Johnson! A few days before the start of the US Open, the world's No. 1 tennis player has opted to become an ambassador for the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT BIG BANG DJ SNAKE The most streamed French artist in world, with a slew of international hits, DJ Snake is joining forces with Hublot to unveil an exclusive creation: the Big Bang DJ Snake. A watch boasting myriad facets, just like the talented artist who inspired it. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT TAKES OVER THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA Mare Nostrum! This summer will see Hublot adopt the Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea. From Spain to Turkey, via Greece, France and Italy, Hublot will take to the waves on a voyage to open a series of new boutiques offering their own limited edition pieces. Join us on our journey into summer. It's going to be a hot one! 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO SUMMER It is the dazzling blues that nature creates, transformed by the summer light, and so hypnotic that they seem unique and impossible to reproduce, that we would most like to bring back with us. Through its expertise in materials technology, Hublot is immortalising this perfect simplicity with the creation of the Big Bang Unico Summer. The 42-mm case is made anodized satin-finished and polished aluminum, a modern, lightweight colored material. This technical feat creates a uniform blue; turquoise like the deepest lagoons. Just 200 of these unisex pieces are being released, initially available on the e-commerce site and in the Mediterranean boutiques in Capri, Forte dei Marmi, Mykonos, Ibiza, Bodrum, Saint-Tropez and Monaco. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG TOURBILLON ONLY WATCH Since 2005, Hublot has been committed alongside ONLY WATCH to help research to overcome Duchenne muscular dystrophy one day and protect future generations. How? By creating a unique piece every two years—that is sold at auction with all profits going to the association—for which the singular alchemy generally sends the bids off the scale. Beyond the technical prowess of the piece and its innovation, it is the reason behind the fund raising that has been motivating the watchmakers for so many years to surpass themselves so that the exceptional can bring an end to the unacceptable: the illness. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT WELCOMES THREE MICHELIN STAR CHEF CLARE SMYTH AS FRIEND OF THE BRAND Hublot is delighted to announce that Clare Smyth MBE, the first and only British female chef to hold three Michelin stars in the UK, has joined the Hublot family. Pioneering chef Clare Smyth has attracted world-renowned accolades and admiration for her ability to transform the finest local produce into globally acclaimed cuisine. Smyth’s restaurant, Core by Clare Smyth, which she opened in the heart of Notting Hill in August 2017, exemplifies the spirit of innovation and excellence championed by Hublot. While offering a relaxed dining experience, Core by Clare Smyth has attracted the most prestigious accolades in fine dining by reinventing the best British produce and delivering a new, world-renowned experience. Core by Clare Smyth was the first restaurant to enter the Good Food Guide with a perfect 10 score, and in just three years was awarded three Michelin stars, with Clare becoming only the fourth British chef ever to achieve this honour in 2021. 더 알아보기 MP-09: NEW COLOURED 3D CARBON AND ITS TOURBILLON BI-AXIS The family is growing with four new versions that have just been added to the MP-09 “Manufacture Piece” collection Hublot’s “MP” (Manufacture Piece) represents the spirit of the house... taken to its extremes. These extraordinary creations, which are off the beaten track, are a fusion between technology and aesthetics to form a unique and inseparable whole. It is no longer a matter of form and substance—the form is the substance and the reverse is also true. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG ONE CLICK MARC FERRERO The Big Bang One Click Marc Ferrero Ceramic Blue is a collectible 25-piece limited edition featuring the French artist’s major pop art graphic painting. Blue ceramic, white composite resin and steel create a striking contrast with Ferrero’s signature bright red lips. A true piece of wearable art sized in a 39 mm diameter and proudly asserting the many faces of women. 더 알아보기 FOR THE EIGHTH YEAR, HUBLOT CONFIRMS ITS APPOINTMENT AS OFFICIAL TIMEKEEPER OF THE BOL D'OR MIRABAUD AND ANNOUNCES A NEW "FRIEND OF THE BRAND" Summer is a time for renewal and new horizons; Hublot is confirming its close ties with the Bol d’Or Mirabaud as official timekeeper for the eighth consecutive season, and will take the opportunity to present its new collaboration with Chef Jean-Edern Hurstel. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT UNVEILS THE BIG BANG e UEFA EURO 2020™ Hublot is celebrating its association with the UEFA EURO 2020™ tournament by presenting a dazzling array of new releases, including the official timepiece of the UEFA EURO 2020™ European Championship – the Big Bang e connected watch – as well as a brand-new podcast featuring interviews with the greatest sporting icons, topped off with an NFT for the first two hundred customers to purchase the watch. Hublot Loves Football! 더 알아보기 NEW BIG BANG UNICO SORAI Hublot is using its global reach, and reconfirming its support for Kevin Pietersen and SORAI – Save Our Rhino Africa India – with the release of a new edition of the Big Bang Unico SORAI, inviting 100 future owners to help support this cause for our planet. A portion of the proceeds from the sale will be donated exclusively to Care for Wild – the largest rhino sanctuary in the world, supported by SORAI – for it to use as it sees fit. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG SANG BLEU II: A TRIO IN CERAMIC Hublot and London-based tattoo studio Sang Bleu are unveiling a trio of timepieces in ceramic – three limited edition Big Bang watches which explore new territories of colour. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO YELLOW MAGIC Although yellow is a primary colour that is abundant in nature, this colour is still difficult, nigh on impossible to reproduce in a material such as ceramic. As a real accelerator of innovation, and thanks to its expertise, the Hublot Manufacture has achieved the impossible by creating the first bright yellow ceramic. Your future is bright, thanks to Hublot's Big Bang Unico Yellow Magic. Do you want this sunny yellow to brighten your day? 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CELEBRATES LAS VEGAS EFFERVESCENCE WITH SPECIAL EDITION TIMEPIECES Luxury, entertainment, neon lights – Vegas is the perfect playground for Hublot. Visitors seek escape and indulgence, creating a perfect synergy for luxury Swiss watchmaker Hublot and its enduring customer base. Hublot is proud to present the Classic Fusion “Las Vegas Boutiques” collection, a line of exquisite pieces exclusive to the Brand’s two Las Vegas boutiques. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CLASSIC FUSION CHRONOGRAPH SHEPARD FAIREY In the second collaboration between the Swiss watchmaking manufacture and the brilliant American artist Shepard Fairey, Hublot presents the Classic Fusion Chronograph Shepard Fairey timepiece. A veritable titanium sculpture to be worn on the wrist, it symbolises the natural cycles of life and the unity between different cultures. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT INTRODUCES THE BIG BANG E PREMIER LEAGUE The Swiss watch manufacturer Hublot, Official Timekeeper of the Premier League, announces a limited-edition version of the Big Bang e connected watch. Hublot, is proud to introduce the Big Bang e Premier League, a new evolution of its connected Big Bang with a dedicated application, new dial and new strap, in purple, the iconic color of the Premier League. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT AND THE GREAT EIGHT Hublot announces the limited edition Hublot Big Bang Unico Red Carbon Alex Ovechkin, made to honour the Russian ice hockey superstar, the greatest ice hockey player of his generation. 더 알아보기 CLASSIC FUSION TAKASHI MURAKAMI ALL BLACK When a watch becomes a work of art: The Classic Fusion Takashi Murakami All Black blurs the lines! For its first collaboration with a Japanese contemporary artist, Hublot has pushed at the boundaries of creation by developing a new dynamic on the theme of Murakami’s artistic emblem, the smiling flower. 더 알아보기 THE TOURBILLON WITH HUBLOT'S SIGNATURE CODES The Spirit of Big Bang Tourbillon White… different, yet resolutely Hublot. It combines the distinctive codes of our brand: 6 H-shaped titanium screws, "sandwich" case construction, the Art of Fusion with carbon fibre and composite inclusions, an HUB6020 skeleton tourbillon manufacture movement custom-designed for its tonneau case, a jewel of innovation and expertise showcasing the aesthetic approach to movement design central to the Hublot philosophy, and, lastly, strap interchangeability thanks to its patented One Click system. 더 알아보기 BEIGE ALL-OVER After pastel pink and pastel blue, Hublot slides the velvety softness of its new Spirit of Big Bang Ceramic Beige onto women’s wrists 더 알아보기 OUTSTANDING CLASSIC FUSION ORLINSKI 40MM Richard Orlinski’s now emblematic edges, facets and bevels have been artistically sculpting Hublot watches since 2017, when he and the Swiss watchmaker presented their first artwork to be worn on the wrist. Since then, no material shaped by Hublot, nor any component of the watches, has seemed able to resist Orlinski’s masterful faceting. Not even ceramic, not even a dial! The Classic Fusion Orlinski 40mm now comes in a monochrome mode in two limited editions entirely clad in ceramic, with the exception of the strap and the crown. In terms of colorimetry, the flashy blue and gloss black are reminiscent of the colour codes used in the artist’s XXL bestiary. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG ONE CLICK 33MM To open up happier horizons, Hublot is flying the colours of the better days to come with the Big Bang One Click 33mm, available in stainless steel or in King Gold with interchangeable straps. Its case has been refined to wrap itself around slender wrists and can change appearance in no time at all to suit your mood. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG MP-11 MAGIC GOLD & BLUE SAPPHIRE Hublot reasserts its unrivalled expertise in cutting-edge materials by housing its MP-11 manufacture calibre in two new exclusive cases, showcasing its scratch-resistant Magic Gold alloy and the transparency of its high-tech synthesis technology Blue Sapphire. The brand is offering enthusiasts two new versions of its Big Bang MP-11 watch, an instrument with a spectacular look which reveals its seven in-line barrels – which guarantee an unrivalled power reserve of 14 days – through the open dial. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG TOURBILLON AUTOMATIC ORANGE SAPPHIRE Transparent, black, yellow, blue, red – Hublot has mastered the creation and machining of sapphires with exclusive shades for its watchcases. With the new Big Bang Tourbillon Automatic Orange Sapphire, the brand has once again achieved a world first by adding a completely new colour to its palette of through-tinted sapphires. This unprecedented technical and aesthetic feat is combined with an entirely new tourbillon movement not only equipped with self-winding (a rarity for a tourbillon), but also with a reinvented architecture with its micro-rotor visible on the dial side and three sapphire bridges. A new fusion of daring and transparency, in a limited edition of 50 pieces. 더 알아보기 WORLD CHAMPION GENNADIY “GGG” GOLOVKIN RETURNS IN RECORD-BREAKING FORCE The Big Drama Show is back! Gennadiy ‘GGG’ Golovkin, boxing's most dominant middleweight of his era, returned to the ring on Friday, at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, in Hollywood, Florida, in record-breaking style. Golovkin (41-1-1, 35 or 36 KOs), a native of Kazakhstan, defeated previously unbeaten top-rated contender Kamil Szeremeta (21-1, 5 KOs), of Poland by (add official result. i.e. decision, KO, etc.) Golovkin, the Hublot Ambassador and two-time World Middleweight Champion, added to his legendary boxing résumé by successfully defending his world middleweight title for a division-record 21st time. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO FULL BAGUETTE KING GOLD RAINBOW When the art of jewellery-making encounters that of watchmaking, poetry is never far away. Like a summer sky after a storm, the Big Bang Unico High Jewelry Rainbow is embodied in a rainbow of brightly coloured gemstones on a backdrop of 18ct pink gold. When scarlet blends into fuchsia to become ultraviolet, a tiny bit Klein blue, turquoise, then sky, the green is shaded in chlorophyll to become soft, seize upon a vibrant yellow and blossoms in a warm orange. In an invisible closed setting, 290 precious and fine gemstones draw an audacious, vibrant and joyful spectrum around the dial where the House’s iconic movement is revealed. The coordination and mastery of exceptional skills—selecting, cutting, sorting and setting—which totally encompass the radical plans of Hublot micromechanics. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT STYLE ENDURES, INSPIRED BY NEW YORK CITY: INTRODUCING THE NEWEST CONCRETE JUNGLE Since Hublot established its largest flagship in the U.S. on Fifth Avenue, the luxury Swiss watchmaker has become a mainstay of New York City. An unwavering beacon standing tall in its center, Hublot is proud to honor the city with the latest iteration of its Concrete Jungle. Concrete as an industrious material is noteworthy for its strength and endurance. As a city built on these foundations, New York is not just a place but a symbol of vigor and resilience. Hublot draws inspiration from the bustling streets, their exuberant spirit, brilliant energy and limitless opportunities, moved by the city’s perpetual ability to endure, evolve and overcome. Drawing on these elements, Hublot has created an avant-garde tribute to New York’s bedrock of strength. With shared values to always be first, unique and different, the city is brought to life on a classic timepiece with a contemporary concrete twist. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT e-warranty The digitalisation of the warranty card or how each watch becomes its own certificate The authenticity of Hublot watches is guaranteed by a visual recognition of the micro-structure of their materials. With the HUBLOT e-warranty, Hublot is launching a completely digital warranty stored in the AURA blockchain. 더 알아보기 IMPERIOUS DUSTIN JOHNSON SETS RECORD TOTAL TO WIN THE US MASTERS Hublot ambassador Dustin ‘DJ’ Johnson secures his first Green Jacket in emphatic style Sunday afternoon, amid the tall pines of Augusta National, Hublot Ambassador and world number one golfer Dustin ‘DJ’ Johnson blazed to victory to become golf’s US Masters Champion and claim his first Green Jacket. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO BERLUTI COLD BROWN For the first time, the emblematic Men’s fashion house Berluti and the watchmaker Hublot, both masters of exceptional craftmanship, turn their focus to the Big Bang Unico chronograph. Initiated four years ago, the collaboration between the French men’s fashion house Berluti and the watchmaking manufacture Hublot has given life to a series of unforgettable watches. Bringing together the former’s legendary Venezia leather and its patina with the latter’s art of fusion of materials, these different models have all had the Hublot Classic Fusion watch as their base. For this new reveal, the two houses have gone back to the drawing board working hand in hand with Kris Van Assche, creative Director of Berluti, to design a model based for the first time on the iconic Big Bang Unico chronograph. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT MECA-10 CLOCK The watch that inspired a clock: working together with the Jura-based L’Epée manufacture, Hublot has produced an oversized version of its famous MECA-10 manufacture movement for use in a table clock. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT TIME FRAMED BY SAMUEL ROSS His career is intriguing and fascinating; none of his collaborations have happened by chance. His style is brutalist, yet textured and balanced. His scope of expression knows no bounds. At 29 years old, Samuel Ross has a talent for capturing the zeitgeist. Winner of the 2019 Hublot Design Prize, the uncategorisable artist has joined the Hublot family. He has taken materials and encapsulated 40 years of Hublot history in one minimalist sculpture. A simple and striking shape, formed of the Hublot essentials. 더 알아보기 STUNNING DEPTH - HAUTE JOAILLERIE COLLECTION 2020 From Haute Horlogerie to Haute Joaillerie (fine jewellery), the quality of the setting work is crucial in showcasing the splendour of precious stones. This highly specialised craft, performed within the bounds of strict predefined constraints, must be subtly executed to allow the brilliance of the stones to take centre stage. The radiance of precious stones is the result of the stone-setter's painstaking craftsmanship. Three new Hublot models marry the technical performance of the manufacture movements, the sophisticated beauty of diamonds and the expertise of master watchmakers. 더 알아보기 AJAX REMAINS ON HUBLOT TIME UNTIL 2023 The Swiss luxury watchmaker proves once again its love for football! Hublot and Ajax have extended their long-term agreement until the 2022/23 season. Both parties announced the extension of their partnership in the presence of Ajax Amsterdam player Perr Schuurs and Commercial Director of Ajax, Menno Geelen in the Hublot Boutique Amsterdam. Hublot remains both Official Sponsor and Official Timekeeper of Ajax. On behalf of Hublot Schaap en Citroen Jewellers CEO, Mark van Nieuwkerk, signed the contract in the Hublot Boutique Amsterdam. The collaboration with Schaap en Citroen Juweliers, Hublot's exclusive retailer in the Netherlands, will also be extended. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT ANNOUNCES THE BIG BANG E UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE On the day of the draw for world football’s most prestigious club competition, Hublot announces a limited-edition version of the Big Bang e connected watch. The UEFA Champions League is back! On the day the draw for the group stage of this season’s competition takes place, Hublot is proud to introduce the Big Bang e UEFA Champions League, and a Hublot Loves Football UEFA Champions League app. 더 알아보기 THE BIG BANG UNICO SANG BLEU II ALL BLACK GETS INKED IN BLACK For this new artistic collaboration between Hublot & Maxime Plescia-Buchi, Hublot's All Black concept has been etched in black ink like a blackout tattoo (consists of covering parts of the body with black ink). Bold and monochromatic, the Big Bang Unico Sang Bleu II All Black showcases the full three-dimensional geometry of the talented grapho-typo-tattoo-genius. Its material – injected with black, polished and satin-finished, angled and faceted – reveals an interplay of light and shade in its relief. An iconic monochrome which is now indelible. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT ANNOUNCES THREE-MICHELIN-STARRED CHEF PAUL PAIRET AS NEW FRIEND OF THE BRAND In September 2020, luxury Swiss watchmaker Hublot welcomes three Michelin star chef Paul Pairet in the Hublot family. Born and trained in France, for years, the chef has won numerous awards in the global gastronomy world for his highly personal and original cuisine. He rejected the rigid culinary convention to constantly challenge possibilities in food forms to create unique and sophisticated culinary artworks and experience, and perfectly embodies the values so dear to Hublot: passion, excellence and creativity. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG CAMO YOHJI YAMAMOTO THE BIG BANG DRESSED IN CAMOUFLAGE For 50 years, Yohji Yamamoto has been offering a timeless style that transcends established notions. Like the monochrome featured on the Big Bang GMT All Black Yohji Yamamoto, Yohji Yamamoto's iconic textiles and daring approach to motifs set the tone for the Big Bang Camo Yohji Yamamoto. A camouflage timepiece with a gritty vibe, as though deciphering a code that exists between paradox and homage. 더 알아보기 COLLECTOR ALERT! HUBLOT CELEBRATES ITS 40TH ANNIVERSARY Hublot has always been a fearless and pioneering brand, and this is no less true in 2020. The Brand's creation of a gold watch on a rubber strap in 1980 broke with conventional codes and laid the foundations for its own vision of Haute Horlogerie. To mark its anniversary, it has revisited its 1980 Classic Original, an iconic example of its disruptive approach. Straddling past and future, horological tradition and technical innovation, this 2020 edition is available in a mechanical version. An icon that works a variety of materials, finishes and modern and classic technologies into three collectors' models to celebrate Hublot's 40th anniversary. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT BECOMES THE PREMIER LEAGUE’S OFFICIAL TIMEKEEPER The world’s most-watched football league moves onto Hublot time Hublot is thrilled to announce it will become the Premier League’s Official Timekeeper from the start of the 2020/21 season. Hublot Loves Football! 더 알아보기 CLASSIC FUSION CHRONOGRAPH SPECIAL EDITION BOUTIQUE ROMA A year after the inauguration of its Piazza di Spagna boutique, Hublot pays tribute to the Eternal City by introducing the Classic Fusion Chronograph Boutique Roma. 더 알아보기 PLAYING WITH DEPTH - AN ITERATION OF WHITE FOR THE BIG BANG SANG BLEU II The Big Bang Sang Bleu II seems complex and elusive, yet its geometry is strikingly balanced and, for its creator Maxime Plescia-Büchi, it evokes a simplicity. With this new iteration, the tattoo artist reminds us that white is the starting point of all creations: a neutral basis that highlights the artist’s mastering of shape and form. It is here that he creates his geometry in three dimensions, between relief and depth, and where each detail is signed by a master stroke of the talented grapho-typo-tatoo-genius. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO SKY BLUE In the blue of the sea as in that of the sky, aquatic and ethereal, both relaxed and sophisticated, the Big Bang Unico Sky Blue invites you on a journey. From Mykonos to Ibiza via Saint-Tropez, the background is set. Cut out of ceramic, this new model makes an innovative material your new basic. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT BIG BANG MILLENNIAL PINK In an ever-changing world, Hublot stays true to its philosophy of being first, unique, different: unveiling a new Big Bang, christened Millennial Pink, designed in collaboration with Garage Italia and Lapo Elkann. A new approach to timekeeping, one which looks to the future, setting trends. More than a watch, it is a state of mind. Gender Neutral. 더 알아보기 CLASSIC FUSION CHRONOGRAPH SPECIAL EDITION CAPRI The Blue Grotto is a stunning natural phenomenon, and the inspiration for this third masterpiece created in tribute to Capri. When the Art of Fusion reveals itself in nature, we cannot help but be inspired! The new Classic Fusion Chronograph Special Edition Capri features the bright blue colour of the waters that sparkle in the depths of the cave. And just like the magic of summer – its intensity and the fleeting impression of time it embodies – Hublot has created a special edition of just 30 numbered pieces, available exclusively in the boutique on the island. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT BIG BANG e Hublot first released the Big Bang in 2005. Since then, this model has come to embody Swiss watchmaking in the third millennium. In 2018, the first connected version of the Big Bang made its debut. And now, Hublot unveils the Big Bang e. The new incarnation of the brand's Art of Fusion ethos: a fusion between tradition and innovation, cutting edge materials and the latest digital technology. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG ONE CLICK MARC FERRERO For its second artistic collaboration with the master of Storytelling Art, Hublot invites ‘Lipstick’, Marc Ferrero’s most emblematic work, back onto the dial of its Big Bang One Click 39mm. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG GMT ALL BLACK YOHJI YAMAMOTO In May 2020, Swiss Luxury watch brand Hublot will celebrate the grand opening of its new flagship Boutique on Chuo-dori Street in Ginza, Tokyo. To celebrate this important milestone, the watchmaker has collaborated with the renowned designer Yohji Yamamoto to release the limited edition Big Bang GMT All Black Yohji Yamamoto. 더 알아보기 TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF OUR MANUFACTURE'S PRODUCTION SITE Due to the global spread of COVID-19, as a precautionary measure, and in order to protect the health and well-being of our staff and their families, we have decided to temporarily close our Manufacture's production site until further notice. 더 알아보기 TIME ON IN THE CAPITAL Hublot is delighted to announce the Hublot Classic Fusion Special Edition ‘London’, a limited edition watch celebrating the Swiss watch company’s ongoing love affair with the vibrant, colourful city of London. 더 알아보기 IN A HAT TRICK, HUBLOT LAUNCHES THE NEW CLASSIC FUSION AEROFUSION CHRONOGRAPH UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE It’s back! Today, the UEFA Champions League moves into the Round of 16 stage after the winter break. Hublot is the competition’s official licensed watch partner and is proud to announce the Classic Fusion AeroFusion Chronograph UEFA Champions League, a 100-piece limited edition in blue ceramic created for lovers of European club football’s most prestigious competition. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT BIG BANG SANG BLEU II LIMITED EDITION Blue is the new black! A true piece of sculpture for the wrist, the Big Bang Sang Bleu II is available in new limited editions. Evolving from ancestral practice to worldwide cultural phenomenon, tattooing is now an art form in its own right, thanks in large part to the work of visionary artists such as Maxime Plescia-Büchi, the founder of Sang Bleu. 더 알아보기 CLASSIC FUSION GOLD CRYSTAL Hublot proudly presents the Classic Fusion Gold Crystal. A watch whose dial boasts the rarest form of gold on Earth: gold crystal. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG MP-11 RED MAGIC Drawing the gaze with its striking bright red case in high-tech ceramic, entirely developed and produced by Hublot... This model reinvents horological performance, with a manufacture movement offering an unparalleled power reserve of 14 days via seven barrels which are visible from the dial side. Available in a limited edition of 100 pieces, the new Big Bang MP-11 Red Magic embodies the full splendour of Hublot's Art of Fusion. 더 알아보기 SPIRIT OF BIG BANG RAINBOW A celestial or divine manifestation that called for reverence or hope depending on the civilisation, this bridge between the earth and the sky was deconstructed by Isaac Newton in his theory on light and colours. These days, however, the rainbow remains a symbol of peace, joy and optimism. 더 알아보기 SPIRIT OF BIG BANG MECA-10 Hublot has reworked its famous Meca-10 factory calibre with a 10-day power reserve to combine it with the “barrel” design of its emblematic Spirit of Big Bang 45 mm collection. This cutting-edge encounter has given rise to the Spirit of Big Bang Meca-10, which is available in three versions – titanium, black ceramic and the exclusive King Gold alloy – with the famous rubber strap that Hublot was the first brand to combine with the gleam of gold. 더 알아보기 ONE CLICK BRACELETS 2020 COLLECTION Because a single timepiece will never suffice for the many lives you lead, and because beauty lies in the detail, these shearling One Click cuffs will switch your Big Bang to adventure, pioneering or urban mode in a single click. 더 알아보기 CLASSIC FUSION CRUZ-DIEZ Anything created from passion will last forever. The last project from the late artist Franco-Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez further strengthens the links between art and watchmaking. The new Classic Fusion Cruz-Diez features an array of colours in constant motion, changing in potentially infinite combinations. 더 알아보기 AFTER SAPPHIRE COMES A BRAND-NEW TRANSPARENT MATERIAL TO GO EMERALD GREEN Having made a huge investment in the industrialisation of sapphire—the most difficult material to produce—in several colours (transparent, black, yellow, blue and red), to have the quantity necessary to create its models, and given the impossibility of offering an emerald green in this material, Hublot has now explored new avenues. 더 알아보기 CULINARY ALCHEMY: A FUSION OF THE SENSES Skilfully combining elements considered to be incongruous, whether inherently or by convention, is integral to the Art of Fusion. Hublot, the bold pioneer of this art in the world of fine watchmaking, celebrated this concept by organising a veritable culinary journey led by two leading lights, Yannick Alléno and Andreas Caminada, assisted by Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO of Hublot. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CELEBRATES THE INAUGURATION OF ITS FIRST BOUTIQUE IN GREECE, IN THE HISTORICAL CENTER OF THE HELLENIC CAPITAL Athens 25th Athens (Hellas): Following the unveiling of the Hublot Classic Fusion special edition “MYKONOS AEROFUSION CHRONOGRAPH”, on Mykonos Island last Summer, the Swiss watchmaking Maison HUBLOT opens its first boutique in Greece. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO SORAI Two-thirds of rhinoceros species may disappear in our lifetime, which would be an irreversible loss for our planet; and its main cause is poaching. Hublot has committed to a partnership with Kevin Pietersen and SORAI – Save Our Rhino Africa India – to conserve rhinoceroses threatened with extinction. 더 알아보기 5TH EDITION HUBLOT DESIGN PRIZE Born from the on-going friendship between Hublot’s Chairman Jean-Claude Biver and Pierre Keller (former director of Lausanne University of Art and Design, ECAL), the Hublot Design Prize was created in 2015 to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of the launch of the iconic Big Bang model, and highlights the work of the designers of tomorrow. 더 알아보기 Hublot is committed to helping protect the rhinoceros and is now partnering SORAI - Save Our Rhinos Africa and India Hublot has joined in partnership with Kevin Pietersen and SORAI (Save Our Rhinos Africa and India) to protect the rhinoceros, which is facing extinction. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT ON EUROPE’S HIGHEST GRASS POLO EVENT To make a change, Hublot took up residence at 1,000 metres above sea level to celebrate a 2,000 year-old sport: polo. Recognised as the highest tournament in Europe, the Hublot Polo Gold Cup marched to the beat of the Swiss watchmaker for the 11th consecutive year. 더 알아보기 DESTINATION CAPRI, FOR A NEW LIMITED EDITION WATCH INSPIRED BY THE ICONIC ISLAND Hublot loves Capri. It is with this in mind that this year we want to pay homage to its unique atmosphere and breath-taking panoramas with a new limited edition timepiece: The Classic Fusion Chronograph Special Edition Capri, made from innovative sky blue ceramic. 더 알아보기 AFTER IBIZA, HUBLOT CONTINUES TO CELEBRATE SUMMER IN MYKONOS Following the success of the Classic Fusion Mykonos over the last seven years (2012 to 2018), the Swiss watchmaking Maison Hublot and its local partner GOFAS Jewellery are unveiling a new Mykonos model for summer 2019: innovative by using a sky blue ceramic bezel and strap for the first time, inspired by the Aegean Sea - the Cyclades Archipelago - and unique by the small rotating windmill “waving” at 3 o’clock, the iconic symbol of Mykonos: without question the archetypal Greek island! 더 알아보기 SUMMER 2019, HUBLOT DECLARES THE SEASON OPEN ON THE ENCHANTING ISLAND OF IBIZA! Hublot conquered a Mediterranean jewel yesterday, inaugurating a pop-up boutique on Ibiza for the summer. Guests enjoyed a taster of the holidays on the Marina in the presence of Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO of the House. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CLOCKS ENGLAND’S EXTRAORDINARY ICC MEN’S CRICKET WORLD CUP VICTORY What a final! Yesterday, England overcame New Zealand at Lord’s, the Home of Cricket, to become the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup Champions 2019 in what is already being described as ‘the greatest game in history’. 더 알아보기 THEY'VE MADE FOOTBALLING HISTORY! CONGRATULATIONS TO THIS INCREDIBLE AMERICAN TEAM! As Official Timekeeper of the 2019 tournament, Hublot congratulates the victorious USA team on its performance throughout this outstanding competition, and in particular Alex Morgan, friend of the Brand and world football superstar. 더 알아보기 A UNIQUE PIECE FOR A NOBLE CAUSE: HUBLOT RENEWS ITS COMMITMENT TO ONLY WATCH To mark the 8th edition of Only Watch, the manufacture has created a unique piece in the charity's colours; a work of art for the wrist, the sale of which will benefit research into Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Sculpted into the sapphire - one of the most difficult materials to machine – are the signature edges, bevels and facets of the artist Richard Orlinski. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CELEBRATES ITS BOUTIQUE IN CASABLANCA WITH THE LAUNCH OF A SPECIAL EDITION TIMEPIECE FOR MOROCCO The Hublot boutique in Casablanca has been redesigned in line with the brand's new architectural concept inspired by the Art of Fusion, combining luxury with modernity, innovation with tradition, and now invites its customers to a more welcoming space. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT ARRIVES IN PIAZZA DI SPAGNA, AT THE FOOT OF THE FINEST STEPS IN ROME Rome: The eternal city... Could there be a more fitting place for the Swiss creator of artisan timepieces to open its first boutique in the capital than right at its heart? Closed to the public for this unique event, the illustrious 18th century steps leading to the Piazza di Spagna provided an exception setting for the guests. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT, PROUD OFFICIAL TIMEKEEPER OF THE FIFA WOMEN'S WORLD CUP FRANCE 2019™ From 7 June to 7 July, France hosts one month of competition, 52 matches and 24 teams, all battling it out in 9 stadiums around the country. One year after the French men's team secured victory, football is attracting increasing numbers of female spectators, and the 8th FIFA Women's World Cup™ will certainly draw in many new supporters. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT REIGNS SUPREME OVER EUROPEAN FOOTBALL Hublot is passionate about football and now counts the UEFA Nations League Finals among its many football partnerships. The new European football competition created by UEFA, will soon hold its first final in Portugal from 5th to 9th June in Hublot colours. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT TAKES ITS GUARD FOR THE ICC CRICKET WORLD CUP 2019 London, summer 2019. The ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 is here! First watch brand to work with the ICC, Hublot is the Official Timekeeper and Official Watch of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019. Hublot will time every 48-over match, from the opening game on 30 May to the final on 14 July. The event is taking place in the UK and Wales across the most iconic cricket venues. 더 알아보기 GAME, SET AND MATCH HUBLOT! An e-tennis tournament with Simona Halep, plus Elina Svitolina, Karolina Pliskova and Borna Ćorić. A friendly, private gathering organised by Hublot at the Café de l’Homme – an exceptional venue with breathtaking views of the Eiffel Tower and the Trocadéro Gardens. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT AND WBC TEAM UP FOR A LEGENDARY ‘NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS’! Hublot, the famous Swiss watchmaker, and WBC, the World Boxing Council, co-hosted an unforgettable evening celebrating its continued partnership with an exclusive ‘Night of Champions’ gala dinner and live auction at the iconic Encore Hotel to benefit the “WBC José Sulaimán Boxers Fund.” 더 알아보기 THE HALLMARK OF EXCELLENCE: A HUBLOT CASE BEARING BERLUTI'S “SCRITTO” SCRIPT Since 2016, the partnership between these two luxury houses has been one of perfect harmony, marked by their technical prowess and a creativity that knows no bounds. 더 알아보기 CLASSIC FUSION WILD CUSTOMS Wild Customs. Hublot. Rock, guitars and watches – fused together by Laurent Picciotto. Their joint creation: the Classic Fusion Wild Customs. 더 알아보기 INFINITELY BLUE – A MUCH-ANTICIPATED COLLABORATION BETWEEN TWO CREATIVE FIREBRANDS Behind this gentle blend of cool blues burns an ardent artistic collaboration between Garage Italia and Hublot. This marks the start of a brand new collaboration with no shortage of projects for the future, and the first of a three-part concept entitled "Sky, Earth, Sea". 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CELEBRATES AND HIGHLIGHTS ITS 2019 PARTNERSHIPS AT HARRODS THROUGH AN IMMERSIVE AND MONUMENTAL EXHIBITION Press and VIP clients joined Hublot CEO, Ricardo Guadalupe and Hublot ambassadors including the world’s bestselling contemporary artist, Richard Orlinski and renowned tattoo artist Maxime Plescia-Buchi, to officially inaugurate an exhibition presented in the Harrods Brompton Road windows and the Fine Watch Room Atrium celebrating Hublot’s 2019 partnerships. 더 알아보기 FAST FORWARD TO THE FUTURE Both have made their mark on footballing history. One has finished his career, the other is just beginning his. What unites them is love, respect for football and a remarkable destiny. Since the World Cup, an affinity has grown between the two men on social media. Today, Hublot brings them together for the very first time, marking a passing of the baton and a moment of recognition between the greatest player of all time and the most promising hope in world football. 더 알아보기 NEW BOUNDARIES: HUBLOT LAUNCHES THE OFFICIAL ICC CRICKET WORLD CUP 2019 WATCH AND ANNOUNCES CRICKETING LEGEND KEVIN PIETERSEN AS A NEW FRIEND OF THE BRAND The limited-edition Classic Fusion Chronograph ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 marks Hublot’s role as Official Timekeeper and Official Watch of this summer’s ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 in England and Wales. 더 알아보기 CLASSIC FUSION ORLINSKI Playing with light and shade, the latest Classic Fusion Orlinski series is sculpted in the aesthetic signature of artist Richard Orlinski, including its faceted dial. Designed for those who prefer the very finest watches, the 40mm case is available in titanium or King Gold, transforming the piece into a jeweller's objet d'art set with brilliant-cut diamonds. 더 알아보기 SPIRIT OF BIG BANG TOURBILLON All the spirit of the Big Bang in a barrel-shaped watch: such is the new Spirit of Big Bang Tourbillon 42mm and its carbon-fibre case with black or blue occlusions. This double edition limited to 100 models beats to the rhythm of the new HUB6020 tourbillon movement, specially designed for this case. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG SANG BLEU II More ambitious than the Big Bang Sang Bleu launched in 2016, the new Big Bang Sang Bleu II passionately channels the design skills of world famous tattoo artist Maxime Plescia-Buchi. A case with more finely-chiselled lines, conveyed in three dimensions. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT CELEBRATES ITS NEW PARTNERSHIP WITH ASPEN SNOWMASS Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO of the fine Swiss watchmaker Hublot, celebrated its new partnership with Aspen Snowmass, one of the most prestigious ski destinations in North America, as the Official Timekeeper and resort partner alongside friend of the brand, Olympic Gold Medalist, and world champion, Bode Miller. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG ONE CLICK MARC FERRERO Hublot, Swiss luxury watchmaker and Marc Ferrero, the artist behind Storytelling Art, unveil the Big Bang One Click Marc Ferrero. Paying homage to the 21st century woman, who distinguishes herself through the multiplicity of her roles, in this exclusive timepiece she is embodied as the heroine of modern times. This collaboration marks an exploratory approach to art and watchmaking. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT LAUNCHES THE COUNTDOWN TO THE ICC CRICKET WORLD CUP 2019 In central London, Hublot, Official Timekeeper of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019, today celebrated the 100-day countdown to cricket’s greatest competition. 더 알아보기 THE ZURICH BOUTIQUE GETS A MAKEOVER AND JOINS THE BIG LEAGUE THANKS TO HUBLOT’S NEW ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPT Following the example of the Hublot flagship stores, the Zurich boutique has been embellished with a new architectural concept based on the codes of the brand. After a few weeks of work, the Zurich boutique has reopened its doors, dressed in new finery. 더 알아보기 HUBLOT, OFFICIAL TIMEKEEPER OF THE 2019 BOCUSE D’OR The quest for excellence, the desire for precision, innovation and passing on traditional savoir-faire are values inherent in Fine Watchmaking and Fine Cuisine. For several years, Hublot has welcomed into its family some of the most world-renowned chefs who highlight their Art. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO JUDO Following on from its involvement with football, golf, boxing, athletics, tennis, Formula 1 and many other sports, Hublot is now entering the world of judo. With its pioneering spirit, Hublot is renowned for its desire to constantly break new ground and conquer new worlds. The luxury watch manufacturer has now teamed up with top German judoka Alexander Wieczerzak to launch a Special Edition for the world of judo – the Big Bang Unico Judo. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG PARAÍBA Hublot again dares to be DIFFERENT, for the FIRST time ever setting a baguette-cut version of the most UNIQUE precious stone on a watch. 더 알아보기 CLASSIC FUSION TOURBILLON ORLINSKI Produced with the visual artist Richard Orlinski, the new Classic Fusion Tourbillon carves out a creation that is as sculptural as it is free, with a wide bevelled case that unveils structured mechanics. In sapphire, King Gold or ceramic, this three-dimensional watch displays modernity in all of its facets. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG ONE CLICK 39MM – TURNING THE STRAP COLLECTION INTO A WARDROBE... "Fashion always goes out of fashion", stated Jean Cocteau. Back then, the artist had no way of knowing that women in the 2000s would learn the art of shopping within their own wardrobes, mixing old and new, masculine and feminine, summer and winter, and never again allowing anything to go out of fashion. 더 알아보기 BIG BANG UNICO WHITE 42 MM Elegant, minimalist and refined, the Big Bang 42 mm is dressed all in white for a relaxed and timeless look. Its size and colour make it equally at home in men's or women's wardrobe. Who will wear it today? 더 알아보기 SPIRIT OF BIG BANG YELLOW SAPPHIRE Since 2016, Hublot has become a pioneer in shaping and colouring sapphire. After transparent, smoked black, blue and red sapphires, Hublot continues its colorimetric quest. 더 알아보기 A DIGITAL BOUTIQUE FOR A NEW EXPERIENCE Aware that the major asset of an excellent customer relationship is based on trust, availability and flexibility, Hublot has innovatively imagined an online digital store that perfectly complements the role and presence of its Boutiques through the world. 더 알아보기 더 불러오기 최신 정보를 수신하겠습니다. 최신 위블로 뉴스를 업데이트 받겠습니다. 가입하기